With his legs moving and running at a high speed, Lu Chen's speed is getting faster and faster in the chaos, and the irresistible power also makes the star sky giant eye unable to sit on the Diaoyutai. In a moment, his eyes are narrowed, and the pressure of terror is pressing down on Lu Chen from all directions.


Lu Chen suddenly feels an obstacle in the charge. The obstacle is so strong that Lu Chen feels like an insect sealed in amber. He can't move at all. His forward body shape also stagnates under the obstruction.

"How strong, what is this? Space confinement No, there is no breath of space. This is Thinking? "

Mind power, the most basic ability among the super powers, such as taking things from space, bending the spoon and so on, all belong to the effect of mind power. This ability is very simple, but just like Lu Chen's combination of strength and speed is also very simple. When the two are strong enough to a certain extent, they can't be stopped at all. If the power of mind is strong enough to the extreme, it is the same.

Simplicity is not equal to weakness; it is more likely to represent a solid foundation.

You know, the star sky giant eye is bigger than Lu Chen, and the adjective like a planet is more suitable for it than Lu Chen. Although the eye-shaped one can see that it is not good at hand to hand combat, as a strong spiritual side, it can cultivate the mind power with a planet. Its mind power can even pull the world. Lu Chen is now sealed by the mind power.

However, what can be done on the opposite side is just a seal. Although relying on the strength of mountains and seas, it is constantly compressing the body of Lu Chen, but Lu Chen has swallowed hundreds of millions of metal minerals, and its own bone strength is stronger than the strongest metal. With this skeleton as the support, the opposite mind can not cross LuChen at all.

At the same time, because Lu Chen's bones can be changed, they can build a skeleton support in his body at will, which makes Lu Chen have no weakness at all. The seal of the opposite mind force is useless, and it is also useless for him to condense his mind into a sledgehammer and hit Lu Chen's body continuously.

On the contrary, the sealed Lu Chen struggles with all his strength, making his mental barrier constantly rattle, and the blood vessels above the opposite eyeball are also constantly diffused, which is a sign of all-out efforts.

Lu Chen is struggling to break free, and the opposite is sealing with all his strength. Both of them constantly mobilize their own abilities in the chaos, and the surrounding fog is also constantly rolling.

In this confrontation, Lu Chen finds that he is gradually gaining the upper hand. It is not that Lu Chen is stronger than the opposite. Although he has a body of one million meters away, the opposite body is more than three million meters. In terms of body shape, the opposite body is stronger than Lu Chen.

What gives Lu Chen an advantage is the fog of chaos. As Lu Chen said before, in the chaos, the most suitable fight is hand to hand combat, and other things will be melted by the fog of chaos as long as they are slightly detached.

Now, although Lu Chen is sealed, he is struggling with his physical strength. Instead, he is using the power of his body. Instead, the giant eye of the opposite star world has been releasing his mind power. After contacting the fog of chaos, most of these thoughts are wasted, and only a few left on Lu Chen. This is the result of Lu Chen's rush. If Lu Chen is far away, it doesn't need to be too far away. It's only a hundred miles away The power of the eye will be melted by the fog.

However, most of Lu Chen's attack ability is close at hand. After leaving, Lu Chen can't attack. Therefore, instead of retreating, Lu Chen bravely rushes forward with the surge of thinking power like the sea tide.


The power of mind is like a tide, more like a heavy hammer. It constantly smashes at the landing star, and some of it turns into a giant blade like a natural moat and cuts towards the landing star. However, all the attacks can't break through LuChen and devour hundreds of millions of tons of mineral condensed bones.

In this way, Lu Chen braved the attack step by step.

But this action also completely angered the opposite side.

"Asshole, you think I have this ability, you think you can compare with me, you think you can Kill me

Accompanied by angry words, in that strong thinking power, a vast spiritual force rolled over towards Lu Chen.

With the sound of "boom", Lu Chen feels that a nuclear bomb explodes in his mind. In an instant, his body is shaking like epilepsy. This is the constant vibration of Lu Chen's soul and spirit, and the external manifestation is that his body is also shaking.

As a strong person in the spiritual side, the spiritual power of the star sky giant eye is also powerful and terrible, in addition to the thinking power. Even in Lu Chen's feeling, the spiritual power of the star sky giant eye is no different from that of the world will, that is, the way of heaven.

However, we should understand that the way of heaven has no individual will. It is formed by the spirit of hundreds of millions of human beings. However, the sky giant eye has a personal will. Its spiritual power is similar to the way of heaven, which is enough to prove its terrifying. Even with the protection of divinity, Lu Chen's soul is trembling, and human beings are already enveloped.

In the process of Lu chenmeng's circle, his body was allowed to be whipped by the giant eyes of the stars, and the original evil god did not miss such an opportunity.

(without the control of the soul, Lu Chen's body can still grow bigger and not shrink, but it's like a dead thing and can't move)

"without the control of soul, can your body resist my attack?"

When Lu Chen's soul was confused by the impact of the spirit just now, the giant eye of the starry sky is doing its best. If anyone looks around, you can clearly see that the blood vessels like the Yangtze River are diffused in the starry sky eyeball. Even, many capillaries (Jinghe and Weihe) have cracked, and the blood color is diffused in the eyes of the star sky giant eye. This is its all-out effort A sign of the past.The explosion of terror caused damage to the stars and giant eyes, but the effect was also very frightening. A huge force of thinking exploded around Lu Chen like an explosion of heaven and earth. In that terrible explosion, Lu Chen's body was blown up like rags, and the sound of bone fracture was heard in Lu Chen's body, and the wounds were all over Lu Chen's body.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo..."

At first, a breath burst out of spiritual impact, and then burst out of mind. Even as the original star sky giant eye, it also needed a breath of relief. When it took a breath, Lu Chen's spirit and soul finally stopped shaking, and he came back from a daze and regained control of his body.

Under this control, Lu Chen's face sank. He found that his body was very bad, and the injuries were everywhere.

Seeing Lu Chen's ugly face, the star sky giant eye showed a trace of smile.

"I am invincible How can it be, how can you recover so quickly? "

Feel to have to deal with Lu Chen's method, star sky giant eye is in happy, just, very soon the joy on its face disappears without a trace.

Lu Chen was indeed injured by the explosion of mind power, but Avalon provided life aura, nuclear fusion power station provided light and heat, and Superman cells quickly recovered after absorbing light and heat. This recovery was visible to the naked eye, and this also made the star giant eye angry.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Along with the crazy disbelief, and the spiritual impact of the huge eyes in the starry sky, the spiritual shock of terror, such as the explosion of stars, sounded in Lu Chen's mind again. This time, Lu Chen made a defense in advance. In his consciousness, his soul and spiritual power had been completely burned, and turned into a giant sword under the influence of Lu Chen's will.

The body of the sword is invisible, but there is a will that sings continuously.

"Eternity, eternity, eternity..."

This is the soul sword shaped by Lu Chen with eternal will and immortal soul. He wants to use this sword to fight against the spiritual explosion of the starry sky and giant eyes.

But the sky is too big, and its spiritual power is too strong. Lu Chen is fighting against the spirit with the will of heaven. Lu Chen is still conscious of the way of heaven. Now Lu Chen is far from it.

Under the impact of that terrible spirit, Lu Chen's divinity stirred up again, and the supreme sword composed of eternal will and immortal soul was shaking constantly.

But this time, the spiritual shock did not shake Lu Chen's will.

Last time, Lu Chen's soul was shaken away. Fortunately, Lu Chen has a divinity, and his soul has reached the immortal state, touching the real spirit. Therefore, without killing the soul, Lu Chen's soul can still reunite. But in the process of reunion, it can't perceive everything outside and can't control the body. So just now, the giant eye of the sky was allowed to attack his body.

But this time, under the protection of divinity, Lu Chen's will and soul combined to produce the supreme sword. This sword made Lu Chen's soul change from loose water to frozen ice. Relying on solid ice, Lu Chen maintained his perfect consciousness.

However, the spiritual power of the giant eye in the starry sky is too huge, just like the endless sea tide. Although Lu Chen's solid ice has not been destroyed by the sea tide, it has also been washed by the concussion. This makes Lu Chen feel the outside world, but can not control it temporarily because of the concussion of his soul.

Therefore, he can only watch the angry star sky giant eyes, to Lu Chen's body issued a plan of terror of the mind impact.

Lu Chen's body was crushed over and over again as if he had been hit by a star. Soon, the first layer of Lu Chen's skeleton was crushed, then the second layer, and finally the third layer and the fourth layer. But even so, Lu Chen was still alive.

There is no way. Lu Chen's defense is too strong, and his Qi and blood are too thick. His solid defense and his rich Qi and blood make Lu Chen have a full resistance to any attack. Although the planet's giant eye is also very strong, Lu Chen's body has been ravaged over and over again, but Lu Chen's pure physical instinct has been tenacious.

"How possible, how can you not die, even if the world will be crushed by me, why can you still live?"

"Why, of course, because my defense is still strong by the world. If you want to kill me, you are still far from it."


The awakening Lu Chen naturally infuriated the original evil god again, and another spiritual shock hit Lu Chen's mind from the front.

Although Lu Chen wants to say that the same moves can't be used for the second time, the opposite moves are too simple and too large for Lu Chen to resist. His soul trembles again, and he can only watch his body ravaged again.

However, Lu Chen was still alive, even though he was only alive.

However, this time, the sky giant eye changed the attack method and cut Lu Chen's body with the power of mind. This action detonated the nuclear fusion power station in Lu Chen's body. Under the continuous explosion, it was like thousands of days in Lu Chen's body.

The terrible explosion even blew away the fog of chaos. Although the next moment, the fog of chaos turned over and swallowed up the blazing sun, it could blow up the fog of chaos for a moment, which was enough to prove the horror of the explosion just now.

The startling explosion not only broke up the fog of chaos, but also scared the giant eye of the sky, but soon, it laughed.Even if Lu Chen was soon reborn again, he still laughed.

"No wonder you have no lack of energy at all. It turns out that there is so much energy in your body, but this is your strong point and also your weakness. Without that explosion, even if I want to kill you, I have to give up my heart power. But now, as long as I break your defense and detonate those energy cores, I can completely kill you."

"Now, what should you do? Give up the energy core or continue to build. Without the energy core, your giant god body can't drive. At that time, you were definitely not my opponent. With the energy core, that was your weakness."

Staring at Lu Chen, the star sky giant eye has endless malice, and feels that he has found a way to deal with Lu Chen, but Lu Chen is indifferent to this.

Even though his body just exploded and the enemy found his weakness, Lu Chen paid more attention to Avalon. He found that Avalon was protected in the center by his own bones. Moreover, Avalon is also a world. In some worlds, it is also called absolute defense. If you are in Avalon, you can't be hurt by any attack. Therefore, the explosion just happened did not happen Lu Chen was relieved by the destruction of Avalon.

"It's OK." So, Lu Chen looks at the big eye in the sky and finds that he is waiting for his own choice. In this regard, Lu Chen spreads his hands, shrugs his shoulders at will, and says as if nothing happened: "how powerful, and then?"

"You're looking for death!"

With a roar of anger, the giant eye of the stars once again burst out a mental shock that was enough to change the world's surface ecology. Before the impact, the spiritual explosion broke out again in Lu Chen's mind.

The terrible explosion makes Lu Chen's supreme sword turbulent again, but if you look carefully, you can see that Lu Chen's awakening time is faster than last time.

This is more obvious in the body. Before he died, a mental impact from the giant eye of the stars could crush a layer of bone on Lu Chen's body surface.

But this time, the surface bones of Lu Chen's body pressed by Nianli's attack clattered, but they didn't crush them.

Three times later, Lu Chen's skeleton was broken again, because the time of being forced was less than that of the last time, and his resistance to the impact of his mind was strengthened. When Lu Chen was able to control his body, he found that he was not seriously injured, but slightly injured.

In this case, also let the star sky giant eyes squint.

"He's stronger, no, that monster didn't break away from my mind barrier, which shows that its strength has not increased, but only its defense. The monster's defense has become stronger."

After reaching such a conclusion, the star sky giant eye is not happy, but full of bitterness. Just now, it is very difficult to kill. Defense increases again. Lu Chen brings despair.

"Can't this guy be killed? Absolutely not. He's so powerful and defensible. Maybe he's not resurrected many times. As long as he kills a few more times, maybe he'll really die."

Holding such an idea, the star sky giant eye once again agglomerates the spiritual shock, lets the terrifying spirit bomb explode in Lu Chen's head.

However, Lu Chen also took precautions this time. Not only was Lu Chen's supreme sword combining will and soul, but also on Lu Chen's head, the endless blood gas mixed with thunder wrapped Lu Chen's head. This is to use physics to reduce or affect his mental power.

This kind of action is effective, but the effect is very limited. Relying on spiritual transmission, the spirit bomb of the sky giant eye still explodes in Lu Chen's head. The mental shock like a planet makes Lu Chen bleed from his seven orifices. Of course, the physical injury is nothing, but what makes Lu Chen miserable is his mental concussion. His bad feeling of being unable to control his body makes Lu Chen irritable, and then he only gets beaten and can't fight back Lu Chen's situation also makes Lu Chen frustrated.

In this extreme frustration, Lu Chen died, resurrected, died again, and then resurrected again. However, killing Lu Chen didn't make XingKong giant eye happy. After killing Lu Chen for four times, he felt tired when he looked at Lu Chen's body resurrected in chaos.

What's more, after four deaths, facing Lu Chen, who was born again, his attack could not affect Lu Chen.

At this time, the mental explosion just makes Lu Chen headache, unable to make his soul vibrate. The physical body is more resistant to the mind power. Like a tsunami from the planet, Lu Chen feels that someone has pushed him.

Although still backward, but not even a trace of harm.

"What kind of monster are you? Why are you so hard to kill

In the crazy roar, one after another of the mind power shocks like a huge hammer on Lu Chen, but it only makes Lu Chen constantly retreat. The terror defense and resistance to the mind force make Lu Chen not even breathe out a trace of blood.

This also proved the correctness of Lu Chen's practice in the past.

"I may not kill you, but you, don't try to kill me!"

Lu Chen is like a meat hob. Under the impact of the big eyes in the sky, Lu Chen keeps his whole body shape.

On the contrary, the star sky giant eye was very tired and panting. While it was panting, the thunder and lightning around Lu Chen suddenly exploded. Under the stimulation of the thunder and lightning, Lu Chen's strength increased a lot with the speed visible to the naked eye. Then, with such a huge force, Lu Chen flashed to the sky giant eye like thunder, and his body of 1.3 million meters hit the monster in front of him Things."Die for me."

Lu Chen must rely on the potential energy of speed and weight to live and kill the monster in front of him. But before touching the giant eye in the sky, an invisible barrier of mind appears before Lu Chen and evil spirit. The barrier is strong and resists Lu Chen's attack. Even, it has the effect of rebounding, which directly bounces Lu Chen and makes it feel turbulent.

This is not a mental attack, but Lu Chen Chong too fast, the shock of Lu Chen hit the body pain.

However, Lu Chen was shot away, and the huge eye in the sky was not good. The continuous mental shock and the continuous outburst of thinking power made it as big as the eyes of the planet. Lu Chen did his best to burst the main blood vessels like the Yangtze River in his eyes. The blood flowed from the blood vessels, making the eyes of the star sky giant eye become scarlet, Looking at ferocious, it has endless killing effect on Lu Chen.

But, full of killing intention, it looked at Lu Chen, turned around and went straight.



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