Chapter 383 - Chapter 383: Chapter 383 Silly Girl, What a Big Blunder_l

Chapter 383: Chapter 383 Silly Girl, What a Big Blunder_l

Translator: 549690339

The phone had been ringing for a long time before An Nuonuo answered.

“What are you doing? Why haven’t you replied for so long?” Jiang Xu asked.

“Ah, I was just busy; sorry about that.”

A hint of uneasiness couldn’t help but rise in Jiang Xu’s heart.

In An Nuonuo’s voice, there was a trace of emotional distance.

Although it wasn’t obvious, Jiang Xu could always sense when something was off with An Nuonuo, given the long time they had been together.

He asked in a deep voice, “What happened? You sound upset.”

“No, my phone’s about to die; it could turn off any minute…

“Beep beep beep…”

The call ended.

When Jiang Xu tried again, he was met with the message that the other party

had switched off their phone.

He stood up and began to pace back and forth in the reception room.

His mind was involuntarily filled with the events of the previous day.

At that time, An Nuonuo seemed a bit off.

Thinking back to An Nuonuo’s frenzy last night, the more Jiang Xu thought

about it, the more alarming it felt.

After some thought, he made a call to An Feng.

After exchanging a few simple pleasantries, he quickly inquired about An

Nuonuo’s situation.

“Ah, Nuonuo didn’t say she was coming to see me,” An Feng said in surprise, then immediately asked, “Did you two have a fight?

Jiang Xu’s heart sank continuously.

An Nuonuo clearly hadn’t gone to An Feng; why did she lie to him?

Not wanting to worry An Feng, Jiang Xu could only say that they had fought, and now Nuonuo was ignoring him.

Laughing, An Feng said, “It’s normal for couples to fight; just go and make it up to her.”

“Okay, I understand. Then I won’t bother Uncle An any longer.” After hanging up the phone, Jiang Xu contacted the bodyguards who were responsible for protecting An Nuonuo.

“Reporting to the boss, Miss An has been in a hotel all this while.”

Jiang Xu’s spirits lifted.

He immediately set out for the location.

Upon reaching, several bodyguards were standing guard at the door.

Jiang Xu knocked on the door.

There was no response from inside.

He then had the bodyguards break down the door.


The door was busted open.

Jiang Xu charged in.

However, after searching every room, there was no sign of her.

Jiang Xu’s eyes immediately reddened.

Grabbing one of the bodyguards by the collar, he demanded, “Where is she!”

The bodyguards were also confused.

“Miss was for sure in here… Oh, right, she sent us all away about ten minutes ago. Maybe that’s when she ran off?”

Jiang Xu didn’t waste any words and immediately called Liu Dahai.

He practically shouted, “Mobilize all forces to find your boss’s wife.

If you can’t find her, you’re all out of a job!”

He hung up the phone without waiting for a response.

He rushed back home as quickly as he could.

He searched the entire house.

Jiang Xu quickly noticed that many things filled with memories of the two of them,

like photo albums, small gifts, hand-knitted sweaters, and the like, had all been taken by An Nuonuo.

“Nuonuo, what’s happened to you,” he said.

Jiang Xu couldn’t help but cover his face with his hands, his heart aching like it was being cut.

More than an hour later, Liu Dahai called: “Boss, latest intel: your wife took a high-speed train back to Jiang City.

But her exact location is still unknown.”

“Alright, I know.” Jiang Xu rushed out, instructing the driver to head for Jiang

City immediately.

At this moment, Jiang Xu regretted not owning a personal helicopter. If he had one, he could have reached Jiang City in the shortest time.

Meanwhile, at the central hospital in Magic City.

“What have you done!” the director scolded a medical intern loudly, “How could you even mess up something as simple as a physical examination report?”

“I’m sorry, Director,” the intern lowered his head, “It won’t happen again. “What are you standing there for, hurry up and contact them to clear things up!”


On the highway, Jiang Xu instructed his driver and bodyguard, “Drive as fast as possible, while ensuring safety.”

“Yes, Boss.”

Jiang Xu’s face was as still as water, but his heart was in turmoil.

At that moment, his phone rang.

It was An Nuonuo calling.

He quickly answered.

“Nuonuo, what are you doing? Uncle An said you didn’t go to him.

“Jiang Xu~” An Nuonuo’s tone was calm as she began, “I feel very scared of getting married.”

Jiang Xu’s heart skipped a beat.

Knowing her for such a long time, it was the first time Jiang Xu had heard An Nuonuo call his full name.

The heavy sense of alienation in her words sent a chill through Jiang Xu.

He said in a deep voice, “Well, if you’re scared of getting married, then let’s not get married for now, we can wait until after college.

An Nuonuo said, “I’ve thought it over carefully these past few days, and I realized… I might not like you that much.

I’m sorry, let’sbreakup,”

For Jiang Xu, this was like a bolt from the blue.

He never imagined that An Nuonuo would suggest breaking up with him. After taking several deep breaths, Jiang Xu managed to calm his surging emotions, “I don’t accept this.”

An Nuonuo said, “I’m sorry, but I really don’t want to continue with you anymore, I don’t love you.”

Jiang Xu stated coldly, “Even if you don’t love me, you must stay with me for the rest of your life.

This is an order, no room for negotiation!”

An Nuonuo said, “Let it be, and don’t contact me anymore. Don’t come looking for me either.

If you push me too far, I’ll go abroad so you’ll never be able to find me. Goodbye.”

After that, she hung up the phone.

Jiang Xu, not willing to give up, called again only to find out he was blocked. He tried to send a message on Q.Q, but it wouldn’t go through either.

Jiang Xu closed his eyes in pain.

He racked his brain but couldn’t figure out what had happened. Why had Nuonuo’s attitude changed so dramatically all of a sudden? At that time, his phone rang again.

It was an unfamiliar number.

He hung up directly.

Right now, Jiang Xu’s mind was in complete disarray, with no desire to answer calls.

But the other party was persistent and kept calling several times.

Finally, Jiang Xu answered.

His tone was harsh, “You’d better have something important!” “Hello… I’m sorry to bother you. Is this Jiang Xu, Mr. Jiang?

“That’s me, who are you?”

“Hello, I’m an intern at Magic City Central Hospital, calling about the physical examination you and a Miss An Nuonuo attended here the day before yesterday. There was a mix-up, and I carelessly confused Miss An Nuonuo’ s report.

Miss An Nuonuo is in good health, it was a different woman in her thirties who can’t get pregnant, my sincerest apologies…”

Upon hearing this, enlightenment dawned on Jiang Xu.

That was the reason!

An Nuonuo thought she couldn’t get pregnant and, not wanting to hold him back, chose to leave without a word, then later suggested they break up! After learning the truth, Jiang Xu was both angry and touched.

“What a silly girl, how could she do something so foolish?

Jiang Xu wanted to call An Feng and Zhang Yuanyuan to ask them to reach out to An Nuonuo.

But then he thought better of it.

An Nuonuo probably cut off all her contacts right now.

So, to find her, he would need to rely on himself.