Chapter 384 - Chapter 384: Chapter 384: It’s Exhilarating to Torment the

Chapter 384: Chapter 384: It’s Exhilarating to Torment the

Husband for a Moment_l

Translator: 549690339

When Jiang Xu returned to Jiang City, it was already past three in the morning.

He hadn’t been back for some time.

There had been significant changes here.

Skyscrapers and upscale residential compounds had sprung up from the ground.

The roads had been widened, and the flow of pedestrians had increased.

It was already taking the shape of a first-tier city.

Jiang Xu had slept a few hours in the car, so he wasn’t tired now.

This time he only brought two bodyguards with him, taking turns driving.

It was too late to look for someone now.

He just found a roadside stall, ate something, and then searched for a hotel to


The next day, at six o’clock, Jiang Xu was up.

After breakfast, he drove out to search for someone himself.

First, he went to An Nuonuo’s original home.

She wasn’t there.

Then he checked their secret hideout, and she wasn’t there either.

He even went to the school, but no luck.

Unknowingly, it was already noon.

Still, he hadn’t caught even a trace.

Jiang Xu’s emotions gradually became more anxious.

He feared that An Nuonuo might do something foolish.

“What other places might she possibly go to?” Jiang Xu racked his brain.

But then he thought, given An Nuonuo’s cleverness,

If she didn’t want to be found,

She definitely wouldn’t go somewhere he could think of.

A thought flashed through Jiang Xu’s mind: “Darkness under the lamp!”

He immediately drove back to their secret hideout.

It had been a long time since he last visited.

But when Jiang Xu entered the house, he found it very clean, with hardly any


This proved that someone had been tidying up.

He rechecked both the first and second floors.

He found nothing.

Finally, Jiang Xu went up to the rooftop.

He hadn’t been up there earlier.

As soon as he stepped onto the rooftop, Jiang Xu was shocked.

He saw An Nuonuo curled up behind a table.

Her head was buried between her knees, and her arms hugged her shoulders.

When she heard the noise, she looked up.

Jiang Xu then saw her face stained with tears.

Her eyes were so swollen it was unbearable to look at, and her entire complexion was pale, signaling extreme weakness.

As soon as she saw Jiang Xu, An Nuonuo’s first instinct was to stand up and


Jiang Xu grabbed her in his arms in one swift movement.

“Stop, let me go…” An Nuonuo struggled fiercely: “We’ve already broken up, don’t touch me.”

Her words were vehement, and her struggle was intense, but her strength was feeble.

It was clear that she hadn’t eaten or slept for a long time, causing severe physical weakness.

Jiang Xu’s heart ached unbearably.

He had never seen such a foolish girl.

He yelled out, “Shut up!”

An Nuonuo was stunned into silence.

She had never seen Jiang Xu so angry, nor had he ever yelled at her like this.

A vast sense of grievance welled up in her heart.

Her lips pouted, she wanted to cry, and she was holding back tears.

Jiang Xu said with a cold face, “You’re doing this because of the medical exam, right?

Yesterday, a doctor from the hospital called me to say they made a mistake with the medical report.

You’re healthy, and there’s no issue with infertility.”

A light suddenly shone in An Nuonuo’s eyes.

But it quickly dimmed again, and she shook her head: “That’s impossible.

You’re lying to me.

How could the hospital make such a mistake?”

“You should leave. I don’t want to hold you back.”

“Go be with Jiang Xiaoyan or Zhou Qingyue instead. I can’t give you a future.

“Let’s just pretend… everything that happened between us was a beautiful dream.”

“Now, it’s time to wake up from that dream.”

Jiang Xu couldn’t be bothered to argue with her.

He simply scooped her up in his arms.

Clamping her teeth shut, An Nuonuo’s face was a picture of misery, “Let me go. I’ve made up my mind. I’m not going to be with you anymore.” With an expressionless face, JiangXu said, “I’m takingyou to the hospital for another physical examination, then you’ll know whether I’ve been lying to you.”

An Nuonuo couldn’t break free, so she simply gave up.

Thinking, she might as well indulge in the feeling of being held by Jiang Xu one last time.

Jiang Xu took her to the nearest hospital.

There were scalpers in the hospital, and with the right amount of money, one could jump the queue.

In less than an hour, the results of the examination were out. When An Nuonuo saw the examination results, she was stunned.

All the indicators on it were normal.

“No, you must have bribed someone at the hospital ahead of time. This is fake,

An Nuonuo shook her head, still unwilling to believe.

Jiang Xu was amused to the point of laughter, “Okay, let’s go to the military hospital for the examination.

That place is bound to be reliable.”

“Fine!” An Nuonuo gritted her teeth, a flicker of hesitation in her heart. They arrived at the military hospital and took a number honestly. Then Jiang Xu pulled An Nuonuo by the hand and went to the restaurant across from the hospital to get some lean meat porridge.

“I’m not hungry. Let go of me. We’re no longer involved,” An Nuonuo struggled forcefully.

But her body was very weak, and she could not break free at all.

With one hand holding her, Jiang Xu used the other hand to scoop up the porridge, “Open your mouth.”

An Nuonuo looked at him angrily.

Jiang Xu’s face remained impassive.

After a few seconds of staring at each other, An Nuonuo conceded, opened her mouth, and swallowed the spoonful of lean meat porridge he offered.

Jiang Xu felt a bit relieved after she finished a bowl of lean meat porridge. At least with some food in her stomach, she’d have the energy to sustain herself.

Otherwise, it would be her vitality that was being consumed.

After a short rest, Jiang Xu picked An Nuonuo up again and re-entered the hospital.

An Nuonuo knew she couldn’t resist.

Sighing, she buried her head in Jiang Xu’s chest.

She had already decided that she would find a good opportunity to escape later


The more you love someone, the more you consider their well-being. Even if it means getting hurt or humiliated yourself, it doesn’t matter. By 3 pm, the examination results were out.

They agreed with the previous hospital’s findings.

“I… I’m really okay?” An Nuonuo held the examination report, her delicate body trembling slightly.

Then tears began to fall one by one uncontrollably.

Heaven knows what kind of life she had been living these past few days. Heartbroken into countless pieces, unable to eat, unable to drink.

Every time she closed her eyes, her mind was filled with the scenes of the two of them meeting and falling in love.

For the past two days, An Nuonuo hadn’t slept even for a second. And in this moment, looking at the examination report in her hands, All the gloom and despair in her heart vanished instantly. She was healthy, able to bear Jiang Xu’s children, able to continue being together with him.

She vigorously wiped the tears from her face, and a bright smile bloomed on it once more.

At this time, however, JiangXu, without a word, turned around and walked away.

“Brother Xu, wait for me,” An Nuonuo chased after him.

But Jiang Xu didn’t pause for even a moment.

An Nuonuo quickened her pace, blocking Jiang Xu’s path, her eyes pleading, “What’s the matter with you? Is there some emergency?

“Yes,” Jiang Xu said indifferently, “Wasn’t it you who told me to go find Jiang Xiaoyan or Zhou Qingyue, to have them help me have a child?

I’m going to them now, and in ten months, the child will be born.

“I’m sorry,” An Nuonuo lowered her head, her voice weak, “I was wrong. Can you give me another chance?”