Chapter 7: Got An Apartment

Chapter 7: Got An Apartment

Now outside, strolling down the streets from the academy, Alister wrapped himself tightly in a long black scarf-like cloak. The path was crowded with students, all making their way out. Some wore expressions of excitement, others looked devastated, and some appeared indifferent, their feelings somewhere in between.

As he walked, Alister's thoughts drifted back to the quest the system had given him: 'Clear a gate, with or without a party, and kill at least 5 monsters.'

He thought about the quest. "If I join a party and kill five monsters, that fulfills the quest," he thought aloud. "But if I go in alone, there's no way the dungeon would have only five monsters. How could I clear the gate by killing just five?"

Suddenly, the system chimed in, its voice cutting through his thoughts.

[The player seems to have forgotten. The system specified to kill at least 5 monsters, not 'only 5 monsters.' It does not restrict the player from killing more than the specified amount.]

Alister nodded as he realized. "That's right," he muttered to himself. Then, he chuckled softly. "But of course, I'll be joining a party. There's no way I'm going to try soloing a dungeon. I'm not that powerful, and I definitely don't have a death wish."

Alister continued down the busy street, the sounds of students' conversations and the buzz of the city filling the air. His thoughts were a whirl of possibilities and plans. He needed to find a party to join for the quest, but first, he had to secure a place to stay. The academy dorms were no longer an option, and he needed a base of operations while he sorted everything out.

He pulled his cloak tighter around himself as a cool breeze swept through the street. As he walked, he glanced at the storefronts and buildings lining the path, looking for any signs that advertised apartments for rent. The city around the academy was always busy, full of opportunities and challenges alike.

Passing by a row of shops, Alister spotted a noticeboard pinned with various advertisements and announcements. He approached it, looking through the papers for rental offers. His eyes landed on a flyer that read: "Affordable Apartments for Rent - Close to the Academy - Inquire at Greenleaf Realty."

"Greenleaf Realty," he murmured to himself. It sounded promising, and the proximity to the academy was a bonus. Because often at times when the dorms were filled, new enrolling students tended to look for outside accommodation options, which were usually simple and small so students could afford them.

"Certainly," she replied, standing up and smoothing out her skirt. "I'll take you there. It's not far, and we can walk."

Alister followed her out of the office, the door creaking shut behind them. They stepped into the bustling street, making their way through the flow of people and the occasional drone whizzing overhead.

The buildings around them were a combination of old and new, with remnants of futuristic technology combined with the crumbling infrastructure. Alister's gaze wandered, taking in the vibrant graffiti that could be found on the walls and the vegetation that had begun to reclaim some parts of the city.

They arrived at a simple building wedged between a bakery and a bookstore. The scent of freshly baked bread wafted through the air, blending with the crisp, clean smell of books. Alister took a deep breath, savoring the moment. The building's look was weathered, its body marred by cracks and creeping vines, but it had a certain charm.

The receptionist led him up a narrow staircase that creaked slightly under their weight. Their steps echowing off the walls that had peeling paint and old posters.

At the third-floor landing, she unlocked a door and stepped aside for Alister to enter first. The studio was indeed small, but it had a warm, welcoming feel. Sunlight streamed through a large window, casting a golden glow across the room.

It was furnished with a simple bed, a small table, and a kitchenette tucked into one corner. Alister stepped inside, running his hand along the smooth surface of the table and peering out the window at the city below.

"It's modest, but it's a good place to start," the receptionist said, standing in the doorway with a smile. "And the rent is 500 Union credits per month, including utilities."

Alister nodded, taking in the space. It was far from luxurious, but it was exactly what he needed. He turned back to the receptionist,

"I'll take it."

"Great," she replied, her smile widening. "Let's go back to the office to handle the paperwork."