Chapter 8: Going For A Raid

Chapter 8: Going For A Raid

Alister stood at the outskirts of the city, adjusting his cloak as he gazed at the bustling scene. He glanced down at his new gear—a simple chestplate, some light armor, a thicker scarf that was magic-resistant, and a dagger. As he fingered the edge of the scarf, he thought to himself, 'It isn't much, but it should be enough to raid a dungeon and hopefully allow me to kill some monsters.'

He sighed, remembering the intense haggling he had to endure to get this scarf at a bargain. 'I'll have to make sure I put it to good use and avoid physical attacks that would damage it. I might never get a good deal like this again.'

With a simple nod, he tightened the scarf around his neck and began walking along the city outskirts, looking around the groups of people gathered there. Despite the fact apocalypse that had long descended upon the world, it didn't stop new dungeons from spawning and spewing out monsters. These areas, where numerous dungeon portals opened, were referred to as mana zones. For those not affiliated with a guild, these zones provided a rare opportunity to earn a living.

The air was filled with the voices of people calling out for teammates. Discover new chapters at

"Looking for a D-rank healer for an C-rank dungeon raid!"

"Need one more C-rank tank for a D-rank dungeon. Quick run, good loot!"

"Forming a team for a C-rank dungeon. Must have at least C-rank talent or above!"

Alister winced at the requirements, his shoulders slumping slightly.

'I'll have to find a team that wants to raid an F-rank dungeon since my stats are only E-rank,' he thought, rubbing the back of his neck in frustration.

He continued to make his way through the crowded area, his eyes darting between groups, hoping to spot someone with lower requirements. His feet shuffled on the dusty ground, and he adjusted the strap of his small bag on his shoulder, feeling the weight of time pressing down on him.

After searching for a while, he still didn't find anyone suitable. He paused, looking up at the sky, noticing the colors shifting as the sun began to set. "Damn, it's already sunset," Alister muttered, his gaze lingering on the sun descending behind the massive city walls in the distance.

He pulled up the system window with a flick of his wrist:

[10:03:12 remaining for quest completion.]

'Damn, only ten hours left,' he thought, his fingers tapping nervously against his thigh. 'Raiding a dungeon would take at least five hours, assuming my team is skilled. Considering I'm looking for a low-ranking team, it could easily be eight hours. And that's hoping I manage to kill the necessary monsters in the remaining time.'

Alister met her gaze, his face serious. "Is it an F-rank dungeon?"

"Yeah," Amelia replied, nodding. "That's all a team like ours can handle at the moment."

Alister considered the offer, his mind racing through the options. Joining a team would increase his chances of surviving and completing the quest. He glanced at his system window:

[09:58:45 remaining for quest completion.]

'Damn, less than ten hours left,' he thought, feeling the weight of the ticking clock pressing down on him. 'I don't have time to keep searching. This might be my best shot.'

He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, nodding. "Alright, I'll join your team."

Amelia's calm expression shifted into a rare, approving smile. "Great. Let's get going then."

As they walked toward the group, Alister adjusted his gear one last time, ensuring everything was secure. The sounds of the mana zone buzzed around him, but his focus narrowed on the task ahead. He was about to face his first dungeon raid, and he couldn't afford to fail.

"Hey, look who's joining us!" Amelia announced as they approached the group.

The lanky guy, who had been waving earlier, grinned broadly. "Well, if it isn't Alister the Genius! Welcome aboard, man."

Alister managed a small smile, trying to ease his nerves. "Thanks. Let's hope we all make it through this in one piece."

The group exchanged nods and smiles, and with that, they turned toward the portal. The shimmering, swirling energy of the dungeon entrance loomed ahead, casting a bright blue glow over the ground.

As they stepped closer to the portal, Amelia turned to Alister, her voice steady. "Stick close to us, and we'll get through this. Remember, teamwork is key."

Alister nodded, gripping the hilt of his dagger tighter. "Got it."