Chapter 43: Another Dragon

Chapter 43: Another Dragon

The earlier confidence disappeared from Alister's eyes. He doubled his efforts, desperately searching his memory for any shred of information that might hold the key.

"Perhaps... a thought?"

Terra's deep voice echoed, a touch of disappointment in her tone.

"Wrong again lad. You have one final attempt."

Alister squeezed his eyes shut, picturing the riddle again. "Always coming, but never arriving... always present, but never here..." He needed to think outside the box. What could possibly fit all these seemingly contradictory descriptions?

Suddenly, something clicked. His eyes snapped open, a grin spreading across his face.

"The future."T/his chapter is updated by nov(ê(l)

"It's always coming, but it never truly arrives. It's always present, a possibility hanging in the air, but it's not here yet. And of course, it's always moving forward, constantly becoming the present, but never truly traveling anywhere."

Terra's blue eyes gleamed with respect.

"Indeed, lad," she said, a touch of warmth in her voice.

"The future. An apt answer. You are not only only strong but also sharp-minded."

"Now, for the last one."

"Also the most important."

"I am always needed, but never in haste.

I am always a virtue, but never a waste.

I am always calm, but never rushed.

And without me, ideas, and the future, could all be for naught, for with me, a ruler shall find what is sought. What am I?"

Alister stroked his chin, thinking deeply.

The riddle hung in the air, a puzzle for Alister to untangle. It spoke of a quality needed to navigate both the potential of ideas and the uncertainties of the future. He furrowed his brow, a thoughtful expression on his face.

'Something needed, but never in haste, meaning its existence is important but should never be rushed; a virtue that can never be wasted, no matter the scenario. Without it, ideas and the future might not come to fruition.'

'Careful planning always allows for plans to be properly executed. Terra's inclusion of a ruler must signify it is something every ruler must possess.'

'I didn't really take notice because it first happened in the comfort of the hospital.'

'This means I'm vulnerable whenever I perform a summoning. I should never attempt it in the heat of battle. Or maybe next time, I'll have a dragon keep watch like Cinder did.'

"I apologize for making you worry."

He said, forcing a weak smile.

"It seems I was performing another summoning."

Cinder's eyes narrowed slightly. "Another summoning?"

"Another dragon?"

Alister shook his head, feeling exhausted.

"No time to explain now, Cinder. I need to rest. Please, return."

"Understood, my lord," she replied, bowing her massive head respectfully.

Her body shimmered, slowly dissolving into shards of tiny red light before vanishing


Left alone, Alister called out to the system.

"Alright system, I've completed the quest. Take me home already."

The system suddenly materialized with a message.

[Gate Opening].

A shimmering yellow rift tore through the fabric of reality just a few paces away.

With a sigh, Alister pushed himself to his feet, his body screaming in pain.

"Man, I am beat," Alister said, stretching his arms and then whirling them.

"Looks like all that food burned out completely tonight. Guess I'll just have to whip up something else when I get back."

He walked towards the rift, the thought of a warm bed and a proper meal filling his mind. As

he stepped through the portal, the harsh desert landscape disappeared around him, replaced by the familiar sight of his cozy apartment.