Chapter 44: Race To The Summoner

Chapter 44: Race To The Summoner

The next morning, the sun rose over magacity I, bathing the bustling metropolis in a warm golden light. The usual symphony of daily life played out: hover vehicles whizzed through the air, people hurried along bustling sidewalks, and the scent of fresh ramen wafted from cozy restaurants. But beneath the surface of normalcy, a current of excitement crackled.

A swarm of sleek, guild-marked hover vehicles, normally reserved for high-level operations, cut a path through the morning traffic. Curious citizens craned their necks, pointing and whispering.

"Do you think they're heading for the same place?" a woman with a bright pink bob asked a gruff-looking man with a salt-and-pepper beard.

"Most likely," the man grunted, adjusting his hat. "Rumor has it, it's all for that new summoner, the one who summoned a drake."

A group of students buzzed with excitement nearby. "For real?" a boy with spiky orange hair exclaimed.

"All the top guilds are going head-to-head for some random guy? It's gonna be a battle!" Across the street, a man with sweat going down on his forehead gripped the steering wheel of a beat-up hover van. Beside him, a young woman with a serious glint in her eyes clutched a worn holographic notepad.

"This is it, Maya," the man rasped, he sounded desperate.

"Our last chance. If those rumors are true, we need to get there before anyone else."T/his chapter is updated by nov(ê(l)

Their names were Kenji and Maya, veteran reporters for the struggling "Mega City Times." A string of bad luck and missed deadlines had them on the edge of unemployment. This, the biggest story mangacity I had seen in years involving a mysterious young summoner and a legendary drake, was their shot at securing their jobs and perhaps climbing to the top.

"We can't afford to be late, Kenji," Maya said, her voice sounding firm.

"If the top guilds are all vying for him, it means he's the real deal. This story could launch us to the top!"

"Now that's a sight I wouldn't mind seeing. Imagine the headlines - 'New Summoner Unleashes Inferno on Top Guild!""

Aria sighed, shaking her head. "Don't even joke about something like that, Eryx. We're talking about a giant class drake here. We need to approach this situation with respect and


"Fine, fine," Eryx waved his hand dismissively, a look of excitement still in his eyes.

"So what's the master plan then? How do we ensure this kid chooses the Blue Seals over the others?"

Aria tapped a finger against her chin, her brow furrowed in concentration.

"The key, is to let him set the terms. A show of strength and prowess might impress some, but

a genuine offer of partnership, of respect, will likely hold more weight."

Eryx snorted. "Respect? From a powerful guild like ours, offering respect to some random kid? Come on, Aria, be realistic."

Aria met his gaze unflinchingly. "He's not just 'some random kid,' Eryx. He's a talented summoner, and according to the reports, a clever one. He wouldn't have summoned a drake without considering the potential consequences. We need to approach him as an equal, someone whose skills could be a valuable asset to the Blue Seals."

"You know the more I'm hearing about this the more pissed off I'm slowly getting, but you haven't really been wrong before so I'll just let it go for now."

"Also, I see your point, Aria. But let's be honest, every other guild will be thinking the same thing. With the way things are going, this whole recruitment feels less like a negotiation and more like an auction."

"If you know that then why are you against it?" Aria asked with an irritated look on her face.