Chapter 59: Yuuto's Strange Change

Chapter 59: Yuuto's Strange Change

The main hall gradually emptied as the meeting concluded, leaving behind a group of dissatisfied squad leaders. They gathered near the entrance, all wearing confused and dissatisfied expressions on their faces.

Hiroshi, the grizzled man with a scarred face, crossed his arms and grunted. "I still can't believe Master Yuuto is putting so much faith in that kid. What's he thinking?"

Kaida, the young woman with fiery red hair, shook her head, eyes narrowed in thought.

"It doesn't make sense. The kid hasn't proven himself yet. The Wastelands Display is dangerous, even for experienced members."T/his chapter is updated by nov(ê(l)

Ren, the highest-ranking squad leader with neatly styled hair, adjusted his glasses and sighed.

"Master Yuuto's decisions are usually sound, but this... it feels like a gamble. There must be a reason behind it, his wisdom has always been his strongest quality."

Razorgrin, his one eye gleaming with irritation, scoffed loudly.

"Potential is one thing, but this feels like favoritism. I've never seen Master Yuuto act like this before. The kid's barely set foot in the guild, and he's already getting special treatment."

Goro, the bulky man with a handlebar mustache, stroked his chin thoughtfully. "Master Yuuto isn't one to play favorites. This is out of character for him. Even if that kid was the embodiment of genius, something is definitely off."

Kaida took a look around the group with a thoughtful expression on her face. "We need to understand what's going on. There's something we're missing here."

Ren tapped his chin, then suggested, "How about we head over to Tibte Café? We can discuss this without prying ears and figure out what Master Yuuto's angle is."

Goro nodded, his expression serious. "Maybe he actually knew Alister some other way, and just decided to help the kid... Something like that."

Hiroshi frowned. "I doubt it. Master Yuuto's connections are extensive, but he's not the type to show kindness without reason. Although, there's always the possibility that there's something personal going on."

They all looked at him, Kaida intrigued. "Personal, like what? A family connection, perhaps?" Ren raised an eyebrow. "Family? You think Alister could be related to Master Yuuto? That's a stretch."

Kaida shrugged. "It's a theory. Master Yuuto may be immortal, but what if, before he achieved immortality, he had a family? A wife, a child... maybe Alister is a descendant."

Their little space in the café fell silent as the idea took root, the squad leaders exchanging thoughtful glances.

Goro was the first to break the silence. "It's a fascinating idea, but highly unlikely. If he really was his descendant wouldn't Master Yuuto have brought him to the guild ages ago, perhaps even raise him? The boy Alister is an orphan, right?"

Kaida leaned back in her chair, as she wore a thoughtful expression on her face. "Maybe. But it's worth considering. If Alister is indeed related to Master Yuuto, it could explain why he's being so nice to him."

Razorgrin snorted. "Nice? This is more than just being nice. Master Yuuto's practically bending over backwards for the kid. Would someone like him really treat his descendants far better than people who have been with him?"

Ren shook his head as he disagreed with the idea.

"I highly doubt it. While the speculation is intriguing, we should focus on practical matters. We're wasting valuable brainpower on hypotheticals."

Kaida nodded, her eyes narrowing. "For now, let's keep an eye on Alister. If he truly is a disappointment, we'll need to ensure he doesn't remain a liability to the guild."

The group agreed. The mystery of Yuuto's behavior and Alister's unexpected rise was far from resolved, but for now, their priority was clear. They would monitor the rookie closely, keeping their plans flexible and their minds sharp, ready to act if needed.