Chapter 60: An Ancient Treasure

Chapter 60: An Ancient Treasure

Back in the treasury, Alister continued to sift through piles of gold, high-grade items, and equipment, his search proving increasingly pointless. He was feeling frustrated as he mumbled to himself, "Is it really possible that one of the oldest guilds doesn't have even one of the items on the list?"

Gritting his teeth in anger, he decided not to give up.

"I have to find it," he muttered, "for Miyu."

He resumed his search, but now his frustration and fear were making him search haphazardly.

Meanwhile, Terra floated her eye around thanks to the mindspace. Finally, her eye spotted something behind a pile of gold.

"That must be it."

"This powerful draconic aura... It's unmistakable."

Hovering past the gold, her eye fell on a peculiar silver necklace. It had a lizard-like creature holding a yellow crystal that glowed vibrantly, causing Terra's eye to widen as she gazed upon it.

With her keen perception, she instantly recognized it: a true dragon's heart crystal, one of the rare items her lord sought.

The rift to the mindspace opened slightly more as Terra extended her massive claws, reaching out for the item before her.

In his thoughts, Alister heard Terra's voice. 'My lord, I found one of them.'

'Wait, really? I'm coming over to you right now, maybe the other items could be close to that one.' Alister thought, turning and running towards where Terra was. He knew her location through their bond.

Back with Terra, as she picked up the necklace with the crystal, she couldn't help but marvel.

'It is truly remarkable, almost as if it was made from the heart of a mon-' she trailed off.

Before Terra could finish her thought, a massive wave of mana washed over her. It felt immensely oppressive, so potent it seemed to suffocate her.

'W-what is this?' Terra asked herself. 'The mana feels like it's burning into my very being. The sheer magnitude and sharpness of it... One would almost think it belonged to...'

Suddenly, Yuuto's voice echoed. "I'm sure all that's left now is to take a right, it should be around here."

Hearing Yuuto's voice, a chill ran down Terra's spine. 'It's him... It's definitely him...' she thought, time seeming to slow as she turned around. She saw Yuuto's shadow approaching, her eyes widening in shock.

In that instant, she involuntarily let go of the necklace, withdrew her hand, and closed the mindspace.

In the mindspace, Terra looked visibly shaken, her body trembling.

Cinder, towering over her, approached with a concerned expression. "What's the matter?"

Terra slowly turned to look at her. "I-I just felt an aura similar to..."

Cinder's red eyes widened in shock. "Are you serious?"

Yuuto handed him the necklace, his fingers brushing Alister's for a brief moment. Alister felt a jolt, like a spark of electricity, as their hands touched. Yuuto's eyes seemed to gaze into him, and for a moment, Alister felt like his very soul was being scrutinized.

'What is this? I didn't feel this when we first shook hands' Alister thought.

Then, just as quickly, the moment passed. Yuuto released the necklace and stepped back. "I trust you'll make good use of it."

As Yuuto turned to leave, Alister couldn't shake the feeling that there was much more to the guild leader than he had ever imagined. Terra's words echoed in his mind, and he knew he had to be cautious. There was something about Yuuto-something powerful and ancient-that he didn't yet understand.

Just then, while he was lost in thought, a system window materialized before Alister, causing his eyes to widen in awe as he read it.

[Item Status Window

Name: Dragon Overlord's Heirloom

Rank: SSS+


An ancient necklace passed down through the ages among dragon royalty. This exquisite piece is crafted from the condensed core of the first dragon, whose name is lost to time. It serves as a symbol of power and dominion, and can only be worn by the current overlord of



- Immense Magical Power: The necklace contains vast reserves of magical energy, capable of enhancing the abilities of the wearer to unimaginable levels.

Special Abilities:

- Draconic Aura: Radiates an aura of supreme authority, intimidating lesser beings and commanding respect from all dragons.

- Core Resonance: Allows the wearer to tap into the primordial power of the first dragon, greatly amplifying their magical and physical capabilities.

- Legacy of the Ancients: Provides the wearer with the accumulated wisdom and skills of past Dragon overlords, unlocking hidden potential and granting mastery over dragonkind.


- Overlord Requirement: Can only be worn by the rightful overlord of dragons. Any other being attempting to wear the necklace will be overwhelmed by its power and instantly



This necklace has been a coveted heirloom for countless generations, symbolizing the ultimate authority among dragons. Its power and prestige are unmatched, making it one of

the most sought-after artifacts in existence.

Notice: The player has not fuffiled the conditions to equip this item.]