Chapter 61: Unanswered Questions

Chapter 61: Unanswered Questions

The day had gone by in a flash. Alister and Terra, given the chance, spent hours practically scouring all the treasures in the treasury. Despite their thorough search, they found no other items that could be used in the crafting of the omnipotent elixir.

Yuuto, observing Alister's growing obsession, eventually made him stop his search. If left alone, Alister would have decided to start examining each item one by one, and even Yuuto didn't have the patience for that. So, Alister had to leave with only one of his desired items.

However, Yuuto, being a man of his word, personally offered Alister three other items to meet the required item count specified in their contract. Despite his disappointment, Alister knew he had to accept this compromise.

They stepped out of the treasury, Yuuto proceeding to close the massive doors behind them. Alister held the items he was given in his hands, unable to put them in his inventory with Yuuto still being so close by.

With a respectful nod, they parted ways, heading to their separate rooms for the night. Alister felt a touch of relief and frustration. He had at least one of the items he needed, but the road ahead still seemed uncertain.

Once far away from Yuuto and out of sight of the other guild members, Alister discreetly dropped the items into his inventory. He didn't want to draw any more attention than he already had.

Gazing at the system window with the items listed, Alister mumbled to himself, "Although they were never my goal in the first place, they will undoubtedly help me in my efforts to find the necessary items in the future."


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Narrowing his gaze, Alister said, "You're obviously lying to me."

Yuuto turned around, his back facing Alister. "I may, I may not. All I know is you got what you wanted, Alister. Stop trying to poke into my past. You'll get a headache if you do."


Before he could finish, Yuuto's silver mana surged out from his body like a raging inferno. It was the first time Alister had seen mana take such a massive form in his life. He instantly froze, an immense chill running down his spine.

Yuuto's tone turned cold. "Look, Alister, I'm not gonna lie. I like you, but don't take my fondness as an opportunity to disrespect me. I just said I don't know what you're talking about, so you should let go of any questions on your mind. Are we clear?"

Alister reluctantly nodded.

Yuuto's mana instantly faded, his expression turning playful. "I'm glad we're on the same page. Continue with your search now," he said as he walked back to the door, waving his hand.

The memory ended.

Alister let out a sigh of relief. "I'm glad things worked out for me in the end," he said to


He walked up to a wall, leaning against it as he trembled.

'I really thought I was going to die.'

'Heck even the system was giving me warnings that my life was in danger.'