Chapter 122: Brotherly Confrontation

Chapter 122: Brotherly Confrontation

The voice belonged to none other than Hazerion. He walked calmly, his poker face masking any unease he felt inside. Now standing among his generals, he gazed up into the night sky, his eyes locking onto Hamerion.

"So, brother, tell me, what is it you want? Why are you here?"

Hamerion gazed coldly as he hovered above them. "I'm here to get things over with."

Hazerion narrowed his eyes. "What do you mean by that?"

"Don't play dumb," Hamerion replied sharply. "The darkness attacked me and my people. We had to evacuate, and now we're all here. We can't beat around the bush anymore. Let's settle this once and for all-our people need their Overlord."

Hazerion's expression tightened as he processed his brother's words. "Are you saying we should abandon our previous agreement?"

"Obviously," Hamerion replied, his voice filled with disdain. "Or did you not hear a single thing I just said?"

Hamerion's golden eyes blazed with his golden mana as he locked eyes with Hazerion, his voice cold.

"We will fight to the death, brother. The one left standing will be the next Overlord. It's the only way."

Hazerion's eyes widened in shock.

"This is madness, Hamerion. We're brothers! How can you suggest we fight each other to the death over a position of power? There must be another way! I'm sure if we try hard enough, we can find a way we can all survive this."

As he spoke, he noticed the generals around him looking at him with a touch of shock, nearing disappointment.

Hamerion's expression darkened as he voiced what everyone was thinking.

"Have you no pride as a dragon, Hazerion? Do you even understand what it means to be an Overlord?"

His words shook Hazerion's confidence.

"How dare you speak so lightly of such a sacred duty?"

"An Overlord is more than just a title or a position of power-it's a responsibility, a guardian role, a way of being. It's a legacy that our royal bloodline embodies, and one that we will carry on until the end of time. This isn't about power, Hazerion, it's about who we are meant to be. If you can't see that, then you're unworthy of the title."

Hazerion clenched his fists, his brother's words stinging deeply.

"How can you be so sure that if you become the Overlord, you'll be able to defeat the darkness? Even our father, as strong as he was, fell with the heirloom. How can you be so sure you won't meet the same fate?"

Hamerion's expression didn't change. He crossed his arms over his chest, a look of disdain in his eyes.

"I'm not like you and Father," he said coldly.

"I don't see why I need to state my obvious qualifications for you to understand."

"I have more Overlord crests than Father ever did, and I've already mastered them."

"My mana capacity far surpasses Father's when he was my age, and I comprehended my bloodline abilities at just two hundred years old."

The surrounding generals exchanged glances, the air growing thicker with each word Hamerion spoke.

"So you see..."

"Oh, brother..."

"...I used to believe that, despite your lack of strength, you had some degree of wisdom. Is this really the question you're asking me now? If I have a plan?"

Hazerion's muscles tightened, sensing the threat in his words. He could feel the disdain in his brother's laughter, the confidence that seemed to swell around him like a fortress.

Hamerion's expression turned deadly serious as his laughter suddenly stopped. His voice was a cold, sharp blade as he spoke, "That is without a doubt the most foolish thing you've ever

asked, brother."

"It seems you are in need of enlightenment..."

" I, as your beloved brother, will give it to you before I relieve your shoulders of your


With those words, Hamerion's mana surged again, this time with more intensity. The air crackled with his power; it was obvious to all he was going to resort to violence.

All the generals on both sides tensed up, ready to clash. Hazerion's breath caught in his throat, every instinct in his body screaming at him to move, to act. But he was rooted to the spot, torn between the brother he once knew and the monster that now stood before him.

Hamerion's eyes gleamed as he crouched low, gathering power in his legs. In a blur, he leaped

off the head of the massive black drake he had been standing on, his body cutting through the air. As he ascended, his body began to change, black scales erupting across his skin, swiftly encasing him like armor.

The transformation was quick; his body enlarged, muscles bulging beneath the thick, obsidian scales.

A long, powerful tail emerged from his lower back, encased in the same black scales,

whipping through the air with force. His spine became longer, and wings erupted from his shoulder blades, spreading wide as they caught the wind. In moments, Hamerion's body had changed into a draconic humanoid appearance.

His yellow eyes glowed brightly; the raw power within them could not be mistaken.

Hovering above the battlefield, Hamerion looked down at Hazerion, his voice, deeper now, seeming to vibrate the air around him as he spoke.

"To answer your foolish question, brother..." he said, pointing his sharp, dragon-like claw at


" Overlord doesn't need a plan. All he has to do is rely on his overwhelming strength!" Along with his transformation, a crest appeared on his forehead and on both of his hands, his body then encased in a golden glow. Along with him, all of his forces were enveloped in the

same golden light.

They all seemed to grow stronger-fangs sharpening, claws elongating, and scales becoming more dense. It was as if Hamerion's transformation was causing some sort of chain reaction.

Hazerion's eyes widened with shock as he muttered, "This is... the strength from an Overlord's rage. I thought only the Overlord could use this."

Hamerion's lips curled into a cruel smile as he responded, "Wrong again, brother. As long as a

successor has something to fight for, something they feel strongly about, it can ignite their

rage, ignite their strength!"

Hazerion's heart pounded in his chest as he watched the overwhelming power radiate from his brother and his forces.