Chapter 123: Within The Chaos

Chapter 123: Within The Chaos

Back with Ren and the others.

The group sat inside the truck, the hum of the engine the only sound as they ate their meals. The cramped space didn't allow much room to move, but it was better than being out in the wasteland.

Each of them occasionally glanced at Alister, who was still out cold against the wall. Kaida finally decided to speak up.

"You know," she said, sounding concerned, "maybe we should think about sending Alister back for a check-up. It's weird that he's been out for so long."

Hiroshi leaned in with a smirk. "What if he picked up some new wasteland disease? I mean, we're in uncharted territory. Maybe he caught something no one's seen before."

Razogrin scoffed, crossing his arms as he stared at Hiroshi. "That's ridiculous. He was high in the air riding his summon the entire time, and our air masks filter out all impurities. You think some little bug is going to get through that? Please."

Goro nodded slowly. "Razogrin's right. Our suits are designed to handle this environment. If something was out there, we'd all be feeling it. He's probably just really exhausted."

Razogrin, his expression turning more serious, grunted. "If you ask me, we should just let me beat him awake. That'll solve this problem real quick."

Goro shook his head. "That's not necessary. He needs rest, not a beating."

Ren, who had been quietly observing, finally spoke. "Enough," he said, his eyes narrowing slightly as his gaze lingered on Alister.

"Wasting time waiting for a pick-up jet isn't an option. We're here to complete a mission, and we don't have the luxury to delay."

He looked around the group, his gaze lingering on Alister thoughtfully. "Alister is a summoner, so if it were something serious, we'd see more symptoms by now. Let him rest. He'll wake up when he's ready. In the meantime, focus on your meals and prepare for what's ahead. We'll be leaving soon."

The group nodded, the discussion coming to a close as they returned to their food.


Each of them teleported to a location of Na'zehra's choosing, leaving only Hamerion and Hazerion in their clash.

Alister found himself crashing into a random part of the city, causing the dragon kin around to look in shock, wondering what had caused the sudden commotion.

Alister, still reeling from the sudden shift, felt the air grow thicker. He gritted Kaelan's teeth, trying to assess the situation, but the sheer scale of the powers at play left him at a loss.

'This is beyond anything I've ever faced. If Kaelan's body can't keep up, how am I supposed to stand a chance?' Alister's thoughts spiraled as he struggled to think of a plan.

Alister pushed himself up from the debris, dust and bits of rubble clinging to his armor as he stood up, his mind racing to make sense of what had just happened.

'It's a good thing that dragon general sent us to a random location,' he thought, looking around his surroundings warily. 'So I guess I don't have to worry about getting caught in that battle for now... but what exactly am I supposed to do in all this?'

Alister was certain the sheer scale of the battle between the two dragon heirs was beyond anything he could ever imagine, and it left him feeling out of place, unsure of his next move. But he was certain, if there was any time Kaelan would die, it would most likely be tonight

during this battle.

As he tried to gather his thoughts, a voice suddenly cut through the silence.

"Oh, you are a lot more sturdy than I thought."

The voice was smooth, almost playful, yet there was an unmistakable menacing vibe in it.

"No worries, I like my men strong. It just makes it all the more fun when I finally break them." She chuckled.

Alister's heart skipped a beat as he turned sharply, Kaelan's eyes wide with shock. Standing there wasn't someone he expected to encounter.

Her silver hair flowed like a river down her back, her red eyes gleaming brightly. The woman before him was none other than Na'zehra Abyss-Void, the general who had used her bloodline ability to scatter him and the others across the city.

'It's her, the one who caused the teleportation earlier... Is that what her crest can do? If that's the case, then things could prove to be problematic, considering what I saw earlier. She might very well be able to match Kaelan's speed.'