Luo Xiwei stares at Park minhao in surprise. It seems that what she worries about has happened. She stood there with a corpse like look on her face: "what do you say?"

"I mean." Park Min Ho carefully swallowed his saliva to ease his tension. It was so slight that no one would ever notice his move. "Vivie, I want to chase you."

"After me?" "But," she asked

"It's nothing, but it's not." Park Min Ho immediately interrupted her, "Luo Xi Wei, you reminded you that it was my cooking before I had already eaten for you, and you also ate it at ease. You and I know exactly what your behavior represents. In fact, you have already acquiesced in your heart and agreed, didn't you? Therefore, now is not just a form. Whether you agree or not at the moment, it means you have agreed

"No Luo Xiwei squeezed the word out of her mouth.

"What?" Although Park Min Ho had been prepared for a long time, he was still frustrated by Luo Xiwei's short words.

"I refuse your car." Luo Xiwei is straightforward.

"Why?" Park Min Ho, who had a little hope, fell to the bottom of the valley. For the first time in his life, he felt so frustrated. He has never been bothered by his childhood study or work after he grows up. He was always able to handle everything so well that everything was in his hands.

However, Luo Xiwei, a girl who seems to others to be no more ordinary, has only a pure face, flat front and back, no proud figure, no top education, no illustrious family background, and has no foothold in the society. It is not easy for Luo Xiwei, the president with hundreds of millions of wealth, to take a fancy to Luo Xiwei's film Appreciate, but also refuse to accept their own good intentions!

You know, in this world, there are countless beautiful women who want to be cared for by him. There are all kinds of beautiful women, and there are many female stars with education background, appearance, body, career and young age. Xiaoyuanyuan, the first beauty in Jiangchuan, is one of his numerous pursuers.

This ungrateful Luo Xiwei, he spent so much thought, money and effort not to say, she even let him in full view of the public to refuse his first pursuit of girls in public! What a shame!

"I don't need your car." Luo Xiwei's language is still concise and comprehensive. She looked at Park Minho without any emotion.

All the beauties present envied Luo Xiwei, the heroine in the pursuit. Every one of them envied her and even looked at her with envious eyes. In yanmiao group, there are a lot of sexy beauties than luoxiwei, and there are many beauties with better education background than her, and those with better family background can't be counted. However, park minhao takes a fancy to Luo Xiwei who only has a good face!

She refused so coldly that she didn't know the height of the earth!

They looked at Luo Xiwei quietly, expecting Park Min Ho's reaction after she refused. They watched Park Min Ho's face sink, and they were waiting for a fierce spiritual battle. , the fastest update of the webnovel!