"Say it again." Park Min Ho stares at Luo Xiwei fiercely and says word by word.

"I mean, I don't need your car." Luo Xiwei replied calmly. Strange to say, whenever Park Min Ho looked at her with gentle eyes, she always felt inexplicably nervous. Sometimes if Park Min Ho's expression seems too serious, Luo Xiwei will feel a faint fear. This time, when Park Min Ho's eyes became sharp and fierce, Luo Xiwei felt more comfortable and could keep calm.

"Good!" Park Min Ho grabbed the key from Luo Xiwei's hand, "that's what you said!" He made his way to the red Maserati, his back was cold and handsome.

All the people thought that park Min Ho was taking his life back. They thought that he was going to drive the Maserati to leave by himself, and pile the unkind luoxiwei here. Just now, when Park Min Ho sent the car, Luo Xiwei didn't give face and refused to accept it, which made Park minhao, as a huge yanmiao group, look very shameless. Therefore, in reason, he should also let Luo Xiwei lose his face once. Only in this way can he avenge his rejection.

Luo Xiwei is more relaxed. In her heart, she hoped that park Min Ho would take back his car so as not to make herself embarrassed. Luo Xiwei knew clearly that she could not afford such a luxury car with her current salary. After all, there is a great distance between her and luxury cars. She would rather not have a car than be under the pressure of luxury cars.

Yes, for park Min Ho, maybe this is a necessary means to pursue women. It can make him feel the joy of giving and the strength and dignity of men.

But for Luo Xiwei, the pressure is full of pressure! Luxury car pressure, economic pressure, as well as the president of the rich pressure, the pressure of all kinds of vision around! And she didn't want to face the pressure.

However, to everyone's dismay, park Min Ho had just opened the door and inserted the key, while all the people standing in front of the car were ready to make way for a road, park Min Ho suddenly got out of the car again, holding a huge object in his hand.

All the people were shocked. What did he want to do with such a huge object? Is this also the tool of courtship? Do women like that? Can this giant represent love?

Luo Xiwei was also a big jump by park Min Ho, who was gradually approaching her. He was holding a huge metal hammer, which seemed to swallow her up.

When Park Min Ho approached, Luo Xiwei could not help but stagger and step back: "what are you doing?"

The girls around looked at the breathtaking scene in front of them. Some timid girls covered their eyes with their hands! There are a small number of girls, afraid and nervous, waiting for the coming violence in their mind.

Among the crowd, almost all the expressions on their faces were worried or afraid. Some of them even bit their lips and even felt that they had bitten their own lips.

However, there is no one to stop. All the girls held their breath and waited for it to come.

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