Park Min Ho finally drove on the old car he bought a few years ago. Although the car was broken, it was bought with the first pot of gold he had earned in college, and it followed Park Min Ho for a long time, and park Min Ho was a long-term lover, so even if it was broken again, park Min Ho would not give it up and let it park in his garage all the time.

The car started, although it began to look strange, but not long after, park Min Ho again found the previous feeling. At that time, he was full of passion for life, and everything was so fresh. He loved a girl, but he was rejected because he was the second generation of rich people. That kind of pain impressed him deeply. Therefore, he took the road of entrepreneurship more and more seriously and did not dare to slack off. He just wanted to prove that although he was a rich second generation, he was also a rich generation.

So many people think that he is because of his father to have today, few people know that yanmiao group is also because of his park Min Ho has today's glory. Park Min Ho has never been able to erase the aura of the second generation of rich people. Because of this, he chose to move out of the house, leaving the days when everything was served by a nanny. When his father refused, he quarreled with his father, and even chose not to go home to see them in order to avoid fighting with his father. Now think about how unfilial my father was when he fell ill.

A man's tears do not flick. Park Min Ho's tears kept rolling in his eyes, but he knew he would not let it fall. No matter how much pain, no matter how much pain, he can make them to ashes in a short time. Only family affection can't. Moreover, he can deeply feel that this is the past that he can't turn around. God will not give him another chance to be filial to his father.

At the moment, what yanmiao group and what future were all forgotten by him. He only wanted to see his father.

Closer to home is more timid. Oh, no, or it's closer to the hospital.

Suddenly park Min Ho's mobile phone rings again.

"Come here, Ho min?" It's the voice of Park Minho's mother, Shen Huilan.

"Here we are. I'm on my way." Park Min Ho replied.

"I forgot to tell you that your father was discharged from the hospital a few days ago. He is at home now, not in the hospital. Please come home right away." Shen said.

"Good. I'm coming. " Maybe he was confused by his missing thoughts. Park Min Ho turned the car and drove home without even having time to think about something.

No matter how familiar and beautiful the scenery is, park Min Ho has no intention to enjoy it. There is only one word in his heart - love.

Whether it's family, love, or friendship. More or less, it was the friendship he paid attention to.

Park Min Ho finally stopped in front of a magnificent villa. He couldn't wait to get out of the car and rushed into the house. He even ignored all the people around him, the Filipino servant who opened the door for him, the granduncle who pruned the flowers in the garden, and his distant cousin who was making tea.

He was so eager to see his father early, and even thought that he would put down all the work of yanmiao group to accompany his father, so as to make up for the fault caused by his negligence and indifference to his father, and to make up for the defects brought about by his fault. But he was particularly surprised to see his father.

"Mom, my dad, he..." As soon as a few words were said, park Min Ho stopped. , the fastest update of the webnovel!