"Oh, Ho Ho, you're back." Shen Huilan called Park minhao's nickname very happily. At the sight of Park Min Ho's face, Shen Huilan did not say a word, just like park Min Ho was still a child. She touched his face without hesitation and with great joy.

However, park Min Ho's attention is all on his father Pu Zhentian: "Mom, what's wrong with my dad?"

Shen Huilan looked at Park Zhentian awkwardly, and then looked at Park Min Ho, intending to cover up her inner weakness: "pick, ah, you've finally come back. My mother thinks you're going crazy." She took park Min Ho's hand into her seat, only her son in her eyes. "Come on, let mom have a good look at you. Oh, my son, you seem to be thin. Is the business of the company very busy recently, have you been exhausted? It's all due to your father's bad. Since you took over the company, your father seldom cares about the company's affairs and asks you to take care of everything. He doesn't know how much he loves his son. " However, when she said so, she was proud to have such a capable son.

"Mom, how can you say that, dad? He's so sick that you still speak ill of him. Fortunately, my father gave me the company early. Otherwise, I would be more tired? Mom, don't stop me all the time. Let me have a good look at my dad Park Min Ho said, forcibly broke away from his mother and went to his father in the reclining chair.

"Dad, are you ok? You will be well. " Park Min Ho comforted.

"You are sick!" Park Zhentian's voice is as powerful as ever, and it doesn't look like a patient at all.

Park Min Ho looked at Shen Huilan suspiciously: "Mom, didn't you call me to say that dad is seriously ill? But my father looks very healthy

"If you don't say that, will you come back?" Park Zhentian blames the strange way.

At the same time, park Zhentian raised his voice and called out: "you stinky boy, do you wish I was ill? Would you be happy when I died? You can never go home and do what you want!"

"Dad, I know it's really my fault that I don't go home to see you two, but you can't make up such a lie to deceive me and let me come back!" Park Min Ho said with some displeasure. But knowing that his father was not seriously ill, his heart was more happy.

"You son of a bitch, don't go out again when you go home this time. Stay at home and don't go anywhere!" Park said.

"Dad, what do you mean?" Park Min Ho asked, "is this to ban me? You have no right to do so. Besides, I haven't done anything wrong. Why do you want me to? Even if I'm a little boy, I'm no longer in charge

"Just say less." Shen Huilan pulls Pu Minho's sleeve, "your father is already very angry, so don't add fuel to the fire."

"Mom, why do you even say that? What did I do wrong? " Park Min Ho had not yet understood what was going on, so that his father said, "are you going to imprison me just because I have been outside for so many years and haven't come home to have a look? Besides, if I stay at home all day, what about the company and the group? Yanmiao group can't do without me! " Park Min Ho is still not willing to break the casserole and ask the end.

"You son of a bitch If you have been doing your own way, I will not rest assured that the company will be handed over to you for management! Do you think you can't run without yanmiao group? Yanmiao group can survive and develop without you! " Park Zhen has a cough in the weather.

"Ho Ho, really, just say less. Your father already knows what happened outside these days. He hasn't eaten much these days. " Shen Huilan complained, "don't go to the company again. Your father has given the company over to your brother today."

Brother, me Park Min Ho was shocked. His eyes widened and emptied like a ghost. "Mom, when did you give birth to a brother for me? How can I not know?"

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