
Luo Xiwei also wanted to say something, but before she finished her words, AI Honghui refused: "Miss Luo, you should be considerate of our magazine. A few days ago, I made a gossip about you and park minhao. Later, I changed the news to say that it was for the draft. The accuracy of our magazine information has been doubted by the outside world. There are even some magazines secretly doing some tricks on our magazines behind our backs. Even those magazines which are so small that no one has heard of want to kick our magazines out of this circle. If the first place has come out this time and it is easy to change owners, the reputation of our magazine will be weakened again, and the magazine will also face a loss of credibility. At that time, the magazine will be more difficult to run, and it will be difficult for the magazine to develop. The whole company will have to face layoffs and even layoffs. Luo Xiwei, you are Park minhao's friend and one of the faithful saviors. I dare not say anything more about you. But this time, if President Park is here, I believe he will not let you quit easily. This is a very good opportunity for you, as well as for our magazine. I hope you can make good use of it. Don't let President Park Min Ho down or let us down. You are jointly selected by yanmiao group and "star's Daily" magazine. You should remember that from today on, your personal image represents the vision of yanmiao group and our magazine. Do not let our sweat go to waste. "

"Listen to you say so, I feel the pressure on my shoulder is great..." Luoxiwei road.

"Indeed." AI Honghui took a sip of tea and took a look at Luo Xiwei. "However, yanmiao group is a big group, and our magazine is also a magazine with reputation and prestige in the industry. You should believe our vision, and you should believe yourself. When you have a certain reputation in the future, you will look back and know that today's persistence will be correct. "

"But I'm really worried..." Luo Xiwei's eyes filled with anxiety and fear, "can I really?"

"Don't worry." AI Honghui said, "everything has its first time. You may not get used to it at the beginning, and it will get better later. Well, luoxiwei, I know you may not be able to accept it or adapt to it at first. I'll talk with Park Minho later to see how I can help you better adapt to the current situation, so that you can put yourself into the performing arts career in a good state. I believe that you, as an employee of yanmiao group, will be outstanding in the performing arts circle. "

"Well Well, I'll go back and think about it seriously Luo Xiwei stood up and said, "editor in chief AI, I'll go back to work first. I'm really sorry to disturb you for so long."

"It doesn't matter." AI Honghui said, "Xiao Xing, send Miss Luo off."

Pei Xiaoxing, with a smile on her face, walked out of the front desk and sent Luo Xiwei to the elevator. She turned and her expression on her face changed from sunny to overcast. She is really unconvinced. Why is the lucky one Luo Xiwei, not her hot body.

Before Luo Xiwei got out of the building, the mobile phone began to vibrate wildly. The mobile phone bumped in his pocket, which made Luo Xiwei uncomfortable. She impatiently took out her mobile phone, some helplessly answered the phone: "hello?"

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