"I heard you went to the magazine." The tone of the other party was impatient and worried.

"Yes." "You're very quick," said rothiway

"It's not news that goes fast, I guess. According to the tone of your speech yesterday, you said that you were not really the first one. I guess with your personality, you will go to the magazine and try to get rid of the first place. " "You don't want this number one, you don't want to be the female number one in" mistaking the male gods "

"Min Ho." Luo Xiwei solemnly said, "it's not that I don't want it, it's the first place I can't get like this. I'll have a bad conscience."

"Then if you leave here, will you be at ease?" Park Min Ho said, "it's not easy for the staff of the magazine. If you leave this time, maybe they will leave too. You will make the magazine unable to run."

, as like as two peas, how can you tell him exactly? Said Luo Xiwei. She thought: it seems that the way she thinks about problems is different from that of the so-called leaders. She can only think from her own point of view, while they can take the overall situation into consideration.

"Who? AI Honghui? " Asked Park Min Ho.

"Well." Luo Xiwei said, "but, Min Ho, can you help me find a way, I really..."

"All right." Park Min Ho interrupted Luo Xiwei, "don't worry. The first place is yours. What you need to do now is not to push the three against the four, but to find a way to make you this first place more worthy of the name. Tell others through your own strength that you are not ashamed of the first place."

"I know." But what should I do to be worthy of the first place

"Play well." Park Min Ho finally said.

So she left the magazine building. There was no bus downstairs. A fast passing luxury car passed by like lightning. The sound was as deafening as the sound of guns. The hair was blown like a hanging ghost in a TV series. The skirt was half lifted up in an instant, and it was about to leave. All of this just put away the mobile phone Luo Xiwei scared out of her wits. Luo Xiwei has no time to put away her mobile phone, just want to cover her skirt.

The luxury car left, calm. The skirt is saved, but her cell phone But he fell in two and lay still on the ground.

Luo Xiwei was about to pick it up, but suddenly another car passed by. Luo Xiwei stares at her mobile phone nervously, praying that it will not be touched. However, she had to listen to the rubbing sound of the wheel and mobile phone collision again, and the clatter of the wheel crushing the mobile phone.

Finally, Luo Xiwei's mobile phone is completely broken under the wheel, and there is no possibility of survival. She just watched her mobile phone turn into ruins in an instant, but she was heartbroken but unable to return to heaven.

Luo Xiwei looked at her mobile phone plaintively, only sighed with disappointment. She cut her messy hair to make her appearance look neat and tidy, so as not to make her mood worse.

Luo Xiwei didn't wear a watch. At the moment, she didn't know what time it was. She had to walk slowly to the bus stop and wait for the arrival of the bus.

In this lonely land, the only gratifying thing is that from here to yanmiao group, there is no direct bus. Otherwise, I'm afraid that luoxiwei's day will be more difficult.

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