Luo Xiwei suddenly felt shocked. She could not imagine how two people in the world could be so similar! She visited the room of the so-called young master of the park family with great interest, which really filled her eyes.

This room is so beautiful! Roxie likes this kind of room very much. Although she lived in a room with almost everything, Luo Xiwei always felt that the room was not as elegant as that of the master Park's. Of course, the park family can take her in, not to mention living in a room. Even if she lives in the utility room, Luo Xiwei feels happy.

However, when Luo Xiwei was deeply attracted by the beautiful pattern in front of her eyes, her eyes suddenly caught a glimpse of the album on the bedside table. The photo album looks as like as two peas in her home, Pu Minhao's home. She approached it with great interest and held it gently and nervously in her hand.

Why is the heartbeat faster and faster, there is a kind of hard to say feeling? She expected, but she was afraid? By the way, what did they say? Whose home is this? This is the park family? Is

Luo Xiwei was more and more afraid to think. She was afraid that all the guesses in her mind would come true. However, she looked forward to it curiously. Her internal breathing is so contradictory that her heart rate is accelerating all the time. She wanted to open it very much, but she was afraid to open it It's afraid to see pictures that it's familiar with.

After a fierce ideological struggle, Luo Xiwei decided to open it. Her hand trembled, hesitated, and finally opened the first page with her hand

The first page is blank.

Luo Xiwei was slightly disappointed, but seemed to be more expectant. Her heart beat even more.

I finally got up the courage to turn to the second page. This time, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

She hasn't seen any of the people in the album. She tried to read all the photos on this page, and she did not find any photos or faces she had ever seen.

This time, Luo Xiwei was disappointed but happy at the same time. At least, she was relieved, and the burden on her shoulders was not so heavy.

However, when she opened the third page with a very relaxed mood Luo Xiwei is really shocked this time!

The little girl in the pants, park Min Ho, said it was his sister, Luo Xiwei herself. There are also a few photos of Park Min Ho when he was a child. Even, turning to the next page, there is a picture of their family. Father, mother, brother and sister

Oh, my God! This is her home! It's just, why do their parents just think they look like their daughter, but they don't think she's their daughter? Is it really like Huang Sao said that it is because of the earth shaking changes in his character after he lost his memory? How can Luo Xiwei not understand that there are parents in the world who do not recognize their own daughter?

Or do they have a hard time knowing that she has lost her memory and don't want to put too much pressure on her, so they don't recognize her temporarily? Or was he ever too naughty, just like Godfather said that he was not sensible at all? Did she ever break the heart of her parents? Or are they so sensible now that they can't believe she's their daughter?

There are thousands of problems in Luo Xiwei's mind, which cannot be solved. , the fastest update of the webnovel!