"Huang Mrs. Huang... " Luo Xiwei hesitated and asked, "do I really look like your lady?"

Huang's sister-in-law looked at Luo Xiwei carefully for a while and said with profound meaning: "like! It's just like that

Luo Xi Wei as like as two peas, but is more or less confused. Is it exactly like, still the same, or is she their family?

However, Luo Xiwei did not dare to ask this question directly. She was afraid that they would mistakenly think that she wanted to enter their home and that she was greedy and vain. What's more, park Zhentian has recognized her as a dry daughter

Is it that park Zhentian discovered something long ago and didn't want to put too much pressure on her, so he did it?

Luo Xiwei didn't want to think so much. She just wants to know whether Pu minhao is the son of Pu Zhentian. If so, she can get the answer.

"Sister Huang." Luo Xiwei wanted to talk but stopped. She couldn't bear to ask more questions. But if you don't ask, her heart will always seem to hide a pimple like, let her heart uneasy. So she plucked up her courage and asked, "who is the little boy in this picture?"

Sister Huang looked at the picture Luo Xiwei pointed to and said with a smile, "you mean this little boy? That's master Park of our family. It was a picture of him when he was a child. At that time, I didn't go to the park's house, but the appearance of young master Park changed little in a few years, so I recognized it

"Well..." Luo Xiwei continued to ask, "what is the name of young master Park in your family? Is it Park Min Ho?"

"Yes." "How do you know?" asked Mrs. Huang strangely

Luo Xiwei did not make a sound, but fell into infinite thinking. Now she is a little confused. She recognizes her own father as godfather as a stranger and lives in her own home. Oh, my God! What a mess! What is all this going on? Why did her parents pretend they didn't know her? Is it because of her amnesia, they have become amnesia? Or, all the people in order to take care of her emotions, do not want to let the matter of amnesia pester her, so everyone chose to hide her true identity? On second thought, Luo Xiwei thought it was more incredible.

However, Luo Xiwei did not want to think about these problems. As long as a serious thought of the problem, her head will be stiff pain. So, in order to make her mind a little more relaxed, she decided to pretend that she didn't know, just like everyone else.

Whether they were pretending they didn't know it or not, they were.

If Pu Zhentian is really her father and Shen Huilan is her mother

Oh, my God! Luo Xiwei felt happy all of a sudden! Just know their own brother is park Min Ho, this immediately live in their own home! Although amnesia seems to be a very troublesome and painful thing, Luo Xiwei thought that she was not so unfortunate. What's more, her plot with her parents is so dramatic.

Luo Xiwei's heart has always been missing her parents. Now, without hesitation, she ran down to see them more.

Just upstairs, Luo Xiwei sees Pu Zhentian and Shen Huilan. They look very happy. Shen Huilan is making tea quietly, while Pu Zhentian is watching TV on the sofa peacefully, as if everything is peaceful.

Luo Xiwei just stepped downstairs, and finally decided not to disturb the peace. Now that I know they're family members, that's enough. Love doesn't have to be said.

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