The new role, male No. 1 position lets Li extraordinary excited unceasingly. Cheng Xuehui and Li Fan celebrated Li Fan's opportunity in the same way. And this time, Li Fan is almost exhausted, tired to almost can only lie still, even get up to eat strength.

It took him almost a whole day to recover. It wasn't long before he got involved in filming.

Li Fan was extremely lucky. This role made him popular and established his position as a popular young man. From then on, every play he received was a male number one. Within a year, Li Fan suddenly became the most popular little fresh meat star in China.

At the moment, Cheng Xuehui is still half red. Although she has slowly lost the identity of female No.2 or even supporting role and began to play female No.1, unfortunately, her acting as female No.1 is either not hot at all, or the TV series are not broadcast at all! She has been so half red in the entertainment industry, she more and more feel that she is a small transparent, no one can see her.

Li fan can be so popular in a year, which is Cheng Xuehui's unexpected. Li Fan has become more and more busy, and gradually has no time to accompany Cheng Xuehui. Cheng Xuehui is more and more leisure, and Li fan does not introduce her to the director, he just tells Cheng Xuehui, don't worry, I raise you, do not need you to go out in public.

In a flash, Cheng Xuehui's discontent is removed. Cheng Xuehui feels that he is happy. Although he is very busy, he has a sense of responsibility. He can spread the responsibility of supporting the family to himself, which makes Cheng Xuehui moved. As a result, Cheng Xuehui, who originally planned to make a big fight with Li Fan, calmed down and decided to believe Li Fan. So, she did the logistics of Li Fan for three months. When Li Fan was not around, she would miss him every minute. When Li Fan was there, she would help him to wash and cook. She would clean herself up at night, ready to be ready for him to enjoy at any time. Even if he was not active, even if he didn't even look at her, she would sleep with his back to her.

Cheng Xuehui's heart is getting colder and colder, but she can comfort herself very much. Maybe it's because Li Fan is too tired to film. It's hard to be an actor. After such a long time of shooting every day, where can she have the strength to enjoy her? So, she tried to control her emotions, not to let her tears fall down. The next day, he still pretended to be in a good mood and continued to be his servant.

Until one day, Cheng Xuehui helped Li Fan tidy up the room, and found a string of extremely exquisite pearl necklace in Li Fan's drawer. Cheng Xuehui dares to swear that even though she has shot so many jewelry advertisements and worked as a model for jewelry dealers, she is still deeply attracted by this necklace.

That day, Cheng Xuehui's heart was full of surprise and excitement. She quietly put the necklace where it was, as if no one had moved it. Then, she has been waiting for Li Fan to give her the pearl necklace.

However, has been waiting for a week, Li Fan did not give her that necklace.

Cheng Xuehui originally wanted to ask Li Fan if he was too busy filming, so he forgot about it. However, opening the drawer, the exquisite pearl necklace has long disappeared. , the fastest update of the webnovel!