Was it stolen? Or was Li Fan put to another place? Or even Li Fanfan doesn't remember where he put it? Cheng Xuehui has thousands of questions in her mind. However, how can such a valuable thing be put by Li Fan casually?

No matter what, Cheng Xuehui or looked for the whole house, but unfortunately, she did not find it. She could only watch the beautiful pearl necklace disappear, which made her whole heart unstable.

As a result, Cheng Xuehui pays attention to other people's necks every time she goes to the studio to see Li Feifan. Not only is the neck of a woman, even the neck of a man, Cheng Xuehui does not let go. Even Cheng Xuehui feels that she is close to metamorphosis. How can a man wear a pearl necklace?

However, I don't know whether it is joy to finally find the necklace, or should be sad that it is hanging around the neck of other women.

The girl is a new girl. She looks only seventeen or eighteen years old. She looks innocent. Cheng Xuehui and her say hello, she found that Li Fanfan is looking at her with strange eyes.

The girl was very alert. She was very lively and lovely. The girl tells Cheng Xuehui very sincerely that she has always worshipped her - which gives Cheng Xuehui a little comfort.

Knowing that her boyfriend is suspected of cheating, Cheng Xuehui doesn't hate this girl at all, even more. Cheng Xuehui admits that she also likes this girl. She is smart, lively and lovely, and is so sincere. If it wasn't for the necklace on her neck that made Cheng Xuehui resentful, Cheng Xuehui thought, she would be very happy to make friends with this girl.

The girl tells Cheng Xuehui that her name is Han Benben. Because she was too stupid when she was a child, her parents gave her such a name.

Cheng Xuehui asked Han Benben, when you were born, you were still so young. Where can your parents see that you are smart or stupid? Smart or stupid, even if you can't see it before you go to school, you have to wait until you learn to sit, walk and talk?

Han Benben said with a smile, "yes, you see, I'm really stupid. I didn't expect that. No wonder I'm going to call Han Benben.".

Cheng Xuehui laughed and thought, Han Benben, you are not stupid at all, not only not stupid, but also very smart. I was almost deceived by you, thinking that you are really innocent. Cheng Xuehui has heard of Han Benben's name. It seems that she didn't know how to dress up at first. Then, she changed her hair style and dress style for a while, and suddenly became very beautiful. Han's name has been changed since she was a child.

But Han Benben actually said that the name was chosen by her parents. It's just a stage name. Is it necessary to hide it? Cheng Xuehui looks at Han Benben's thin and long neck, which looks bright and dazzling in the sun, and has probably known the answer. How can a young and beautiful girl, who is good at speaking well and hiding herself, not be loved by men? And in Cheng Xuehui's memory, Li Fan has always been so greedy for Cheng Xuehui's beauty, and this time, even if he fell in love with Han Benben's beauty, what's impossible?

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