Cheng Xuehui is so painfully rolling in situ. She wanted to call for help, but she couldn't make any effort. She wanted to make an emergency call, but her mobile phone was taken away when Li Fan left. At the moment, it is really called that the earth should not be called to be ineffective every day. She was so helpless that she felt like a ghost waiting for death to pronounce a verdict, and let God give her a verdict.

At the moment, Cheng Xuehui feels that she has been on the verge of life. The heartless man, she has paid so much for him, sacrificed her own time and many filming opportunities for him, willingly became the little woman behind him, washed and cooked for him, and even decided to have children for him However, at the critical moment of her life, he even so swaggered out, which called Cheng Xuehui's heart is really cold to the bottom.

Cheng Xuehui vowed that one day, she would revenge those men, especially those who hurt her. She endured the pain all over her body, struggling in the wetland mixed with sweat and blood.

Suddenly the door opened and a couple of men and women came in. Cheng Xuehui has no strength to turn her head to see, she can only identify through the voice, the two people are Li Fan and Han Benben.

Cheng Xuehui how hope Li Fanfan can send her to the hospital, she is really pain even the strength to speak have no, just can't help shaking in situ.

"Ah Han Benben suddenly called out, "who is that? How do you sleep in the blood? "

"Stupid, don't look." Li Fan said while covering Han Benben's eyes, "that big pool of blood will pollute your eyes."

Hearing these, Cheng Xuehui concludes that Li Fan decides to let her live and die on her own, and does not intend to send her to the hospital. In case of Li's death, he didn't know how to face the police. Even if he is not punished for the crime of hand injury, I'm afraid he has to be punished for not rescuing the dying.

However, Li Feifan's calmness is beyond Cheng Xuehui's imagination.

"Extraordinary, that is Is it Cheng Xuehui? What's wrong with her? Shall we take her to the hospital? " Han Benben Jiaodi said, "I'm so afraid to see her like this. I'm scared to death." She said while to Li extraordinary arms drill.

"Benben, don't be afraid. She'll be OK. We'll take her to the hospital when we've finished our work." Li Fan said with a little banter.

"Are you sure she's ok?" Han Benben said, "if she died, would you blame us?"

"It's OK. It's OK." Li Fan said, "she just accidentally dropped her belly on the corner of the table. It's OK to shed some blood. Don't worry about her."

"But with so much blood, people are afraid..." Han Benben was coquettish.

"If you are afraid..." Li Fan with a face of bad smile, "let's go to the next room."

With a bang, the door closed. Cheng Xuehui can hear that Li Fan takes Han Benben to her room. She has about guessed what Li Fanfan said about him and Han Benben.

Sure enough, not long after, from Cheng Xuehui's room came a burst of Jiao Di Di's voice. Cheng Xuehui closed her eyes and slowly put up with her ears polluted by the sound.

Every sound, like a sharp knife, deeply stabbed Cheng Xuehui's heart. , the fastest update of the webnovel!