Cheng Xuehui feels that her life is really dog blood. She feels that she will soon die because of the bleeding.

However, Li Fan did not even let her die quietly, but also let her hear the filthy voice coming from her room at the last moment before death. Why is it in her room? So, her bed, her quilt, her pillow, everything she has

Even if she burned her remains after death, it was also contaminated with other people's unclean things. Cheng Xuehui is really disgusted. Slowly, Cheng Xuehui finds it hard to breathe, as if to suffocate. Gradually, her body became numb and slowly lost consciousness. She felt sleepy, sleepy Her eyelids could not get along with each other any more. They began to fight, until finally, their eyes closed

Cheng Xuehui thought she would die like this, but she didn't expect that she could wake up in the hospital and look at the ceiling leisurely.

The nurse came over and told her that you were out of danger, but the baby was not saved because it was too late and missed the rescue period.

"The child is gone?" Cheng Xuehui sneered, no sadness in her eyes, "no good, no good..."

The nurse ran away in fear, thinking that she had met a madman.

Cheng Xuehui touched her stomach: "child, you can go safely. Maybe this is your best destination. I don't want you to know that you have such an animal father. You're gone, so you never know that beast is your father

Before long, a doctor came up. He asked Cheng Xuehui a lot of questions about his family. Ask her family when they will come.

Cheng Xuehui smiles and tells the doctor that she has no family.

The doctor asked, well, what about the father of the child.

Cheng Xuehui shook her head and told the doctor that they had broken up.

The doctor told Cheng Xuehui that it was better to ask the father of the child to come. He has the right to know about this matter.

Cheng Xuehui has no choice but to smile bitterly, that is, Li fan does not want this child on purpose, so she will miscarry. I'm afraid he will only be happier to know the news? So why tell him the exciting news? She told the doctor that the child's father did not like the child and did not want the child, so even if he knew, he would not be sad, but would be happy. Therefore, there is no need to make him happy.

The doctor sighed helplessly and said, but there is a big problem at present. He has to inform her family or her boyfriend.

Cheng Xuehui casually said to the doctor, I am my own family, if there is any problem, you can tell me directly.

The doctor tangled for a long time, told her, but if she knew, she would be more sad, and her mood would be excited. So, he can only tell her family, or, later, at least until her body recovers.

Cheng Xuehui sneered. What can't be said? Wasn't the setbacks she had experienced enough? Abandoned by so many men, she loves so deeply every time, but every time she is self righteous and falls into love, while the other party climbs out of the swamp of love early, and then climbs up step by step on her head. Cheng Xuehui told the doctor that this time she experienced life and death, she almost thought that she was going to die. In this way, she did not cry. Nothing is more terrible than death, so doctor, you should say it quickly, and you can be sure of each other's heart. What's more, what happened to her has been like this. There is nothing in the world that can strike her. , the fastest update of the webnovel!