The doctor was very sad to tell Cheng Xuehui that she had missed the final treatment because she was too late to the hospital. Therefore, she lost her fertility forever.

Cheng Xuehui is very calm with the doctor, know, don't worry, I will not commit suicide, I will stay here to recuperate, and when my body recovers, I will certainly start a new life.

Wang Hui is deeply moved by her strong tears.

After the doctor left, Cheng Xuehui wailed, she lost the right to be a mother forever! And all this, it's all caused by them! She cried all night, and the pillows and sheets were soaked, as if they had just been salvaged from the water.

The nurse changed Cheng Xuehui a bed of quilt very kindly, let her recuperate peacefully, don't think too much.

Cheng Xuehui finally began to cheer up. She secretly decided that she would never love any man in this life. She also wants to be like Li fan that shameless man, will the emotion as the superior chip. From then on, she only needs to care about her career, fame and status, and will never care about her feelings, especially with men. She hopes that she can also be a player in her feelings, and can come and go in her feelings at any time without touching the truth.

After leaving hospital, Cheng Xuehui has no active contact with Li Fan. Li Feifan's career is still thriving.

Cheng Xuehui put all her heart into filming. In order to be famous and make more money, Cheng Xuehui is willing to do anything. She actively approached the producers, directors and even male writers in order to get more and better roles and help her gain more fame.

Cheng Xuehui succeeded. Sure enough, she had an ambiguous relationship with several writers, then with some producers. When Cheng Xuehui first knew Luo Kai, he kept giving him various hints. Luo Kai really understood women and the message Cheng Xuehui sent to him.

Therefore, Cheng Xuehui naturally became Luo Kai's girlfriend.

But this time, Luo Kai didn't know why, and suddenly did not take care of Cheng Xuehui. Cheng Xuehui thinks that there is no reason. She has not got what she wants from Luo Kai. On the contrary, after she knew him, her reputation declined. She even made such a farce as she and song Zhiheng, which was secretly photographed by the media, so that Cheng Xuehui's popularity has been declining, and even been reviled.

Cheng Xuehui's make-up makes Cheng Xuehui feel so much in the play. She thought about it and didn't understand what she had done wrong. Why did fans love her so much a few days ago that she became a street mouse and everyone yelled and beat her. Cheng Xuehui is not convinced, is it just because she has been showing the audience the image of pure jade girl? However, Han Benben was not so. She even heard that Li Fan was infected with the disease that everyone turned pale because he made too many girlfriends. It is said that Han Benben also has this disease. Of course, only the people in the circle know about it.

So, is Han Benben better than Cheng Xuehui? How unfair this is! Is it just because she is younger and less than 20 years old, she should be tolerated by everyone, while Cheng Xuehui is 25-6 years old, so people should be more harsh on her?

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