However, when Luo Xiwei picked up the apple and was ready to send it to her mouth, a big hand suddenly fell from the sky and swung her apple.

Wei Xi's tongue is not so empty!

"Ah Luo Xiwei couldn't help but cry. The fierce battle between the lips and teeth was the first time for Luo Xiwei. She stood up angrily and questioned Park Min Ho, "why do you want to get rid of my apple! My teeth hurt, my tongue hurts

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." Park Min Ho originally wanted to say, "I didn't mean it." but just half way through, he found that he couldn't say it at all, because he clearly meant it. If he said he didn't mean to, wouldn't he hit himself in the face? He paused, sorted out his emotions, and then hugged her heartily, "I'm sorry, I just don't want you to eat that apple."

Luo Xiwei knew that park Min Ho always did things for his reasons. Since he said so openly that he didn't want her to eat the apple, she wanted to know why. So Luo Xiwei raised her head and asked sincerely, "why?"

Jonet was originally gloating. Looking at the expression of luoxiwei's anger, his heart was sweeter than honey. He is looking forward to a wonderful quarrel, or even a tragic break-up drama. Then, Luo Xiwei wrongly throws herself into her arms to give her a chance to comfort her. However, he really did not expect Park Min Ho to have such a great ability to turn the corner in an instant. He not only stopped Luo Xiwei's rage, but also made Luo Xiwei suddenly full of curiosity about him and wanted to actively find out the reason why he did so.

Jonai felt helpless to luoxiwei in the bottom of her heart. She was always so passive and easy to be controlled by men. Finally occupy the dominant position, but let Park Min Ho's words to bring to reality. This is Luo Xiwei, the indecisive Luo Xiwei, the soft hearted Luo Xiwei! Looking at Luo Xiwei at the moment is not angry, do not blame Park Min Ho, and with Park Min Ho incomparably intimate appearance, Chennai's heart is like ten thousand needles.

"Because..." Park Min Ho accidentally glanced at the apple he swung to the ground and asked Luo Xiwei, "do you have a paper towel?"

"What?" Luo Xiwei is waiting patiently for park Min Ho's answer, but he doesn't want to. He asks her if she has a tissue! Luo Xiwei's face suddenly pulled down. However, she was willing to wait for his answer. She took out a paper towel and handed it to park Min Ho

Park Min Ho carefully picked up the apples on the ground with a paper towel and then threw them into the garbage can.

"Why don't you just pick it up with your hands?" Luo Xiwei asked suspiciously.

"No Park Min Ho waved his finger. "You don't know, there may be bacteria on this apple. Oh, by the way, your hand has just touched the apple. You have to wash it

"This apple Is it so dirty? " Luo Xiwei asked, "I'm just..."

"Good, wash your hands." Park Min Ho pushed Luo Xiwei to the faucet, patiently rubbed her fingers, put on the hand sanitizer, and then washed it.

Luo Xiwei quietly enjoyed all the services Park Min Ho brought to her, and said to park Min Ho with a smile: "are you exaggerating? Do you have a habit of cleanliness , the fastest update of the webnovel!