"I'm a purist." Park Min Ho laughed, while helping Luo Xiwei wipe his hands and said, "however, I won't let you eat this apple. It has nothing to do with whether I have a habit of cleanliness."

"Well..." "What's that?" she asked

"Don't ask." Park Min Ho gently smile, stretched out his right hand, thumb touched her chin, hand gently rubbed her face, "still hurt?"

"No more pain." Luo Xiwei's eyes are watery and bright. People who don't know that she is born with big eyes may doubt whether her eyes are about to shed tears.

Jonet's heart was full of tears. He looked at the closeness between Luo Xiwei and park minhao, which showed that they trusted each other and had deep feelings. If you want to get involved in it, I'm afraid it will be extremely difficult. He helplessly looked at the two people so much love, heart feel helpless.

"Weiwei, that Apple..." Park Min Ho seriously to Luo Xiwei, want to tell her exactly what is going on. However, he could not tell luoxiwei that she was so pure that how could he defile her with such a thing? What's more, Luo Xiwei is still a little girl, she doesn't understand those things Finally, park Min Ho or give up to explain this matter to Luo Xiwei, "in a word, this apple had better not eat." Park Min Ho found that he could only tell her so.

"Oh." Luo Xiwei blinked at Park Min Ho and said, "I know. If you say you can't eat, I believe you can't eat. " However, she glimpsed so many apples at the head of jonet's bed that she felt regret. She sighed suddenly, and her face was full of melancholy.

"What's the matter?" Park Min Ho asked Luo Xiwei very concerned.

"Well..." Luo Xiwei pointed to the fruit and asked, "can these be eaten? Do you need to throw it away? "

Luo Xiwei thought that was caused by the apple problem.

"Yes." Park Min Ho said very definitely, "these can be eaten." As he spoke, he put the fruit in order.

"Ah?" Luo Xiwei was more puzzled: "I really don't understand why Is Isn't it a fruit problem? "

Jonai and park Min Ho laughed at each other. Only Luo Xiwei stood there alone like a piece of wood, feeling at a loss about everything in front of her.

"All right." Park Min Ho touched Luo Xiwei's head, "it's not the apple you bought, it's It's the APPLE PEELER's problem. "

"What's wrong with the APPLE PEELER? Didn't you pick the aunt who peeled the apple? Besides, you gave her a hundred yuan... " Said Luo Xiwei hesitantly.

Park Min Ho can't cry or laugh. How can others understand Luo Xiwei's simplicity!

"Weiwei, in fact, I didn't find any problems with my aunt at first, but after she was pulled into the ward by me, you didn't find her posture was very..." Park Min Ho originally wanted to use the word "seductive", but suddenly found that it was not appropriate to say these words in front of Luo Xiwei. In a flash, he found a substitute word. "Don't you find her posture strange?" he said to her

"Strange?" Luo Xiwei pondered, she did not find the middle-aged women's posture any strange! To say strange, at most, after she lifted the skirt up, Luo Xiwei didn't expect that she should be so fat! That thigh, thick as a pig's hoof!

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