"Thank you." Luo Xiwei had mixed feelings. She sincerely felt that she was not sure what good things she had done. She could not only have such a good boyfriend as park minhao, but also have a good friend like Huoxi. However, in the middle of the night, the original owner of the house had to go to another place in the middle of the night because of his downfall. This is a little too aggrieved for hosy. Therefore, Luo Xiwei said with a red face, "otherwise, you can live here today. It's already more than eleven o'clock, and the bus to school has already stopped."

"It's OK. I can take a taxi." "It's a bit expensive to take a taxi, but it doesn't matter. You're a girl's family. Fame matters," said Hosey But as soon as he had finished, hosy regretted. He was not the kind of person who wanted to take advantage of his beloved girl, but he felt that he had somehow lost a chance to guard his goddess. If you stay, whether you sleep on the sofa or on the floor, at least you can feel the goddess beside you. Even if he sleeps outside the door like a dog, at least he can guard her quietly and ensure her safety this night. At least he can let her stay here alone as a girl. He didn't have any wrong thoughts about Luo Xiwei. He just wanted to stay with Luo Xiwei for a while and more space for two people, even if it was separated by a wall.

"It doesn't matter. Qing is self-cleaning." Luo Xiwei is really embarrassed to drive Huoxi away. She also believes that Huoxi is a good man, so she boldly wants to keep Huoxi.

"Well..." Hosy hesitated. "Then I'll sleep outside."

"No Luoxiwei didn't know why Huoxi should be so aggrieved. She is not her girlfriend, he does not need to pay so much for her, she does not need him. In this way, she knows that the more she owes him, the more guilty she will be. In order not to let her heart too guilty, Luo Xiwei decided to let the honest Huoxi live in a room with herself today. She knew that at least this could make her heart feel better. Hosy is the owner of the house. She has occupied the bed in the house. She can't occupy the whole house. So she said to hosy, "you don't have to live outside, just live in the house."

"Well..." Hosy still did not dare to be too close to his goddess. He never thought that he would be able to live under the same roof with his goddess one day. To be able to get luoxiwei's words, Huoxi has been very satisfied, he is almost happy to heaven. He faltered, "well Then I'll sleep in the living room, and you'll sleep in my room Hosy's going to give up again and again. As long as Luo Xiwei is happy, let him do anything. Hosy felt that being able to live in the living room was the best reward for him.

"The living room? But there is no sofa in the living room. " Luo Xiwei took a look at the shabby house rented by Huoxi. The living room was so small that it was not so much the living room as the combination of the living room and the kitchen. There is only a small round table in the living room, with a diameter of less than one meter. Next to it is the kitchen. There was only one bed, a short sofa and some very old chairs in his room. He didn't even have a decent desk. Such a simple room, if you want to lock hosy in the living room, then he can only sleep on the round table less than one meter in diameter. Luoxiwei couldn't bear it, so she said to Huoxi, "you can sleep on the sofa in the room! As I said, a pure man is self-cleaning. "

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