"But..." Hosy was very excited, but he felt that all this had come so suddenly that he could not accept it at all.

"Make the sofa yourself, hosy. I'll take a bath first." Luo Xiwei felt sleepy and wanted to wash and sleep. Yawning, she took the new towel hosy had bought for her from her shopping bag and went to the bathroom.

However, listening to the sound of the sprinklers in the wash room, hosy's heart beat faster and faster. He told himself again and again that he should not think wildly and be calm. Even in his own imagination, he could not destroy luoxiwei's innocence. However, he could not calm down for a long time. He hasn't had a girlfriend, not even a girl's hand. Although in front of other girls, Huoxi can always talk and talk, never face red heart jump do not speed up, but as soon as he meets Luo Xiwei, he is in a mess.

It was the first time in his life that hosy had such a private space with luoxiwei. Huoxi thought that even if luoxiwei really became his girlfriend, he would not let luoxiwei live with him. Now, she is not her girlfriend, but she lives under the same roof with him. Hosy was so excited that she couldn't help herself. His eyes could not help but steal a glance at the closed door of the bathroom, listening to the sound of the water coming from it, and imagining things that he had never dared to think about.

Every time hosy began to fantasize, he tried to shake his head to keep himself awake and pure. Even though he knew that it was really difficult, he insisted.

Just as hosy was restless about the room, he heard the door lock open from the bathroom.

Luo Xiwei came out of the bathroom wearing a large bathrobe. Some small drops of water fell from her curled hair. Luo Xiwei put down her curled hair and spread it. She took a breath of relief and fell on the bed.

This day, luoxiwei was really tired. After so much experience, Luo Xiwei also thought a lot. However, here in Huoxi, she suddenly felt relaxed, just like living in park Min Ho's home. It was just as comfortable as her own home. What's more, her side is the one who can make her feel at ease.

As a result, Luo Xiwei just lay down less than a minute, then quickly fell asleep in the past.

However, Huoxi has not had time to say a word with luoxiwei, he seems to have lost such an opportunity. In his blueprint, it is Luo Xiwei who has been chatting with him all night, talking about his life and ideals, or even talking about gossip and clothes or cosmetics that he doesn't love but girls love. He has long been ready to be an excellent listener, even if he can't be a good talker.

However, luoxiwei even went to sleep so quickly, and seemed to have no interest in him.

Even if Huoxi knew that luoxiwei didn't like him, she was still sad because she didn't like him. Douwei is still full of his will. However, he did not want to be satisfied with his family.

So hosy went into the bathroom dejectedly and took the most sad bath of his life.

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