"I am not! President Park, you misunderstood me! " "I'm not a fetish, I'm not a pervert I just I don't mean to take my sister's clothes on purpose. I really help her wash clothes And I smell her clothes because It was because I washed her clothes with soap, so I wanted to smell her clothes for soap. President Park, you really misunderstood. Sister, I really I see that your clothes are dirty and not washed, and you are so busy filming, so I want to help you do something I can do. I am not what President Park said... "

Luo Xiwei suddenly ran to the bathroom, Zai Zai Zai carefully checked the blue plastic basin of his clothes. Sure enough, the smell of soap she was familiar with was on the clothes, and the clothes were clean and all the stains were gone

It seems that hosy is telling the truth. However, no matter what, hosy is a boy, and he is not his own boyfriend, let Huoxi help her wash such private clothes, Luo Xiwei is still very embarrassed. Luo Xiwei always feels strange about her personal clothes touched by Huoxi. If she wanted to wear them the next time, she would feel very uncomfortable.

Luo Xiwei came out of the bathroom and looked at hosy very seriously and said, "thank you, hosy. I know you're going to help me wash my clothes again, not a pervert. But... " Luo Xiwei didn't know how to say, "but You don't have to wash my clothes for me in the future. I can do it myself

"Oh." Hosy was very pleased that lothewie believed he was not a pervert, but he was also disappointed with the following words of luoxiwei. In the future, she washed her own clothes. Did she dislike helping her wash clothes? Although hosy also knew that this kind of girl's private object, as a boy of ordinary friend, should not touch it. However, every night when he looked at Luo Xiwei who was tired, he always had a kind of faint heartache. He helped Luo Xiwei share more. However, he knew that he was not as capable as park Minho. The only thing he could do for her at the moment might be to help her wash her clothes and cook. He couldn't help any more.

"Hosy." Park Min Ho said very solemnly, "OK. I believe for the moment that you are not a pervert. But There is no future, I think

"President Park, what do you mean?" "Are you going to fire me?" hosy asked Although there are some worries, but from the moment when Huoxi fought back against Park minhao, he was ready to be dismissed by yanmiao group.

"No. Business belongs to business, private to private, one yard to one yard. " Park Min Ho said, "you can rest assured that I am a very fair and just man. I'm not going to fire you. What's more, Yan Miao group is under the management of Pu Zhihao for the time being, and I'm not qualified to dismiss you. What I want to say is that Wei Wei will not continue to live with you in the future. I came up this time to help her pack up

"Sister, are you going Hosy felt reluctant.

Before Luo Xiwei could speak, park Min Ho snatched the words and said, "this is necessary. She's a girl. It's not suitable to live in your boy's house. Besides, the environment and facilities here are not good. The whole community is messy and poor. When I went upstairs just now, the corridor was full of garbage, and no one was in charge of it. It's not where people live at all. "

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