"Min Ho!" Luo Xiwei pushed Pu minhao's arm and elbow, "how can you talk like this?"

"Am I not right?" When Park Min Ho saw that Luo Xiwei had a tendency to speak to Huoxi, his emotion became excited. He does not allow his girlfriend to face others, not to! In any case, he has no way to accept that there are other men around Luo Xiwei, even if it is a simple pursuer or a man who silently wants to be nice to her! Only min Wei is good to him! If other men are good to luoxiwei, what should he do with this boyfriend Park Min Ho looked up and down at Huoxi's residence. "I see that in this room, the furniture and household appliances are not complete. There is no TV, refrigerator, air conditioner, wardrobe, and even the necessities of life - washing machine and dishwasher. Weiwei, you still have to go back with me. This is not for you. Besides, you are a big star now. Didn't you tell me that you have money now? If you have money, you have to live like a rich man. Don't come to such a shabby place. It will also affect your reputation. If you are not careful to let the media photograph you live in such a place, who knows what kind of hype they will write

"I'm sorry." Huoxi looked at Luo Xiwei sadly. "Xuejie, you'd better go back. President Park is right. You are a big star now. If you often make friends with people like me, your future will be affected."

"Hosy, what are you talking about?" Luo Xiwei glanced at Park Min Ho, "Min Ho, you How can you say that? When hosy took me in, I didn't have a cent on me. If it wasn't for him, I would have been living on the street these days. Hosy has spent a lot of money for me these days. Without him, I would have been short of food and clothes. I would not have the energy to clean up and dress myself, let alone go to park Zhihao to negotiate the movie of "mistaking the God of men". Minho, hosy is a good man. He helped me. You shouldn't do that to him

"Helped you?" Park Min Ho stretched out his right hand, picked out his index finger, and lifted Luo Xiwei's chin. "Wei Wei, if he hadn't taken you in these days, you would have been homeless. However, it is precisely because he has taken you in that he makes you have a place to live. If you have a place to live, you will not think of me. If you can't find a place to live, maybe you would have come back to me. Should I thank him for taking care of you? Wei Wei, I'm not afraid to take care of you, and I like to take care of you, but why do you have to let others take care of you? Now that you know I'm your boyfriend, why don't you come back to me? Instead, you're going to stay with hosy? And you've lived here for so long, you're very good, you sleep in bed, hosy sleeps on the sofa, but, you really nothing happened? When you walk around in front of hosy in your thin pajamas, as a normal man, doesn't this guy react at all? If he doesn't like you, will he take you in? Vivie, I'm a man. Only men know men better. I'll bet if hosy doesn't like you, I'll jump off the sixth floor right away

"Minho, are you crazy?" Luo Xiwei was so angry that park Min Ho could say it all! Thanks to him or a famous president, he is so small! She couldn't control her right hand any more, and she slapped Park Min Ho hard in the face.

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