"No!" Once again, luoxiwei dodged nimbly. This time, however, she seemed more experienced than before. She hid so quickly and thoroughly that poor Pu Zhihao once again fell into the air.

This time, however, park did not make progress. He still trusted Luo Xiwei so much that he almost moved his whole body's center of gravity forward until he moved to luoxiwei. However, Luo Xiwei so quickly flash, but accidentally let Park Zhihao fall on the ground again.

Park Zhihao screamed again, which shocked Luo Xiwei. At this moment, she was a little suspicious of Park Zhihao's intelligence quotient. She had already turned in this ditch once. Why didn't she grow up and have to go through this ditch again? Luo Xiwei was unable to laugh or cry.

"Park Zhihao." Luo Xiwei widened her eyes and looked at Park Zhihao. Her surprise could not be described. She looked at Park Zhihao, who had fallen back to the sky and cried out again in pain. She shook her head helplessly, "what's the matter with you? Is history repeating itself? "

"Yes Park Zhihao said bitterly, "history does repeat itself! Pain What a pain Park Zhihao cried helplessly.

"Didn't you fall once? Why not have a long memory? Another fall? "Asked Luo Xiwei reproachfully.

"Isn't it because I trust you too much that you won't watch me wrestle?" Park Zhihao said angrily, "who would have expected that you would have watched me wrestle again? Ah! Pain! so painful! Another lobster is biting me Park Zhihao screamed.

Luo Xiwei laughed and fell. She pointed to park Zhihao with a silly smile: "it's so funny, it's really funny..."

"Help me up soon?" Park Zhihao said to Luo Xiwei almost in a commanding tone.

"Good, good!" Luo Xiwei said, but with a smile, she bent over and gradually squatted down. However, her hands did not go to help park Zhihao, but continued to laugh in situ.

Park Zhihao saw that Luo Xiwei was so absorbed in laughter that he never went to ask Luo Xiwei to lift him up. Instead, he sighed helplessly. Then, with his hands on the ground, he finally stood up with his own strength.

At this time, Luo Xiwei suddenly together, but accidentally left foot on a lobster. Luo Xiwei was afraid to kill her accidentally and suddenly jumped up. However, it's good not to jump, which makes his feet slide on the floor tile with water. His feet leaned forward slightly, and he was about to rub against Park Zhihao's body, and he was about to fall on Luo Xiwei.

Luo Xiwei suddenly stopped her feet, but accidentally twisted her waist. She turned her body from leaning back to leaning forward.

This time, Luo Xiwei could no longer control her own pace, and finally felt that she was about to usher in a heavy wrestling. So, she was in a moment of panic, and finally "ah" to scream out.

Luo Xiwei is about to fall. Park Zhihao is in a hurry to help Luo Xiwei. His hands were pinned to Luo Xiwei's waist, and he held Luo Xiwei properly and steadily, successfully preventing Luo Xiwei from wrestling.

However, at this time, a man suddenly appeared at the door, a woman who park Zhihao was very familiar with!

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