"What are you doing?" The woman at the door obviously couldn't accept such a scene. She watched Park Chi Ho's hands tightly embrace a beautiful woman, but park Zhihao was naked, looking like he was ready to eat the beauty in front of her. And take a look at Luo Xiwei, her innocent little face always seems so innocent, but the woman at the door always thinks that she has ulterior motives.

Park Zhihao and Luo Xiwei looked out of the door almost at the same time. However, both of them saw a familiar face!

It's Cheng Xuehui! See Cheng Xuehui's two eyes stare big, have a pair of want to eat a person's posture. She opened her eyes and looked at Park Zhihao and Luo Xiwei. The expression on her face was angry and innocent.

Luo Xiwei was scared to be a little flustered. She looked at herself nervously, but found that park Zhihao's hand seemed to have been placed on her waist. She was so frightened that she suddenly reached out and took off Park Zhihao's hand on her waist.

At the moment, park Zhihao looked at the door of this unexpected guest he didn't want to see, and looked at Cheng Xuehui calmly. She was holding the key he had given her a few days ago. Her face was panicked and angry. Seeing Cheng Xuehui walk towards them step by step, park Zhihao's heart is not flustered at all, but appears more calm.

It is Cheng Xuehui who comes to them and looks at them angrily, which makes Luo Xiwei feel afraid. Luo Xiwei struggled more and more fiercely in park Zhihao's hand, trying to escape from his palm.

However, luoxiwei's strength was so small that she tried so hard to escape, but it didn't seem to work at all. On the contrary, she could feel Park Zhihao's hand tighter around her waist.

"Park Zhihao, Luo Xiwei, what are you doing?" Cheng Xuehui angrily asked.

"What are we doing?" Park Zhihao said with a smile, "don't you see that? My hands are holding her, around her waist. What would a man want to do with his arm around a woman's waist? What's more, as you can see, I'm not wearing a coat. And, you know what kind of man I am, you should know what I want to do next when I don't wear a coat. So, what do you say I'm going to do next? "

"Park Zhihao, you are shameless!" Cheng Xuehui's eyes were filled with anger, "Park Zhihao, what do you think of me?"

"Think of you as some kind of companion." Park Zhihao slyly said with a smile, "of course, it's not spiritual. Please don't misunderstand it."

"You Cheng Xuehui finally understands that since she is not a spiritual partner, then A companion like that! She is a little unable to accept the reality. Why is it that she is park Zhihao's girlfriend, but now he says that he only regards her as a kind of non spiritual partner?

What a shame!

Park Zhihao still held Luo Xiwei tightly and said to Cheng Xuehui, "since you understand everything now, you can go."

Looking at PU Zhihao's indifferent appearance, Luo Xiwei suddenly felt that the man in front of her was so terrible. He is clearly Cheng Xuehui's boyfriend, but he is so ruthless at the moment to let Cheng Xuehui think he wants to change his mind!

No way! Luo Xiwei can't accept Park Zhihao's arrangement! She can not be so inexplicably regarded as a third party! She can't bear such a stigma!

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