"I'm not afraid he knows!" Cheng Xuehui said calmly, "I just want Zhihao to know that I've been here, and it's me, a virtuous woman, who helped him tidy up the house. I want to give him a good impression, so that he can think that I will be a good wife in the future, so that he will be more likely to accept me and the children. But don't worry. I won't tell Zhihao that you've been here, Min Ho. Don't worry

"Cheng Xuehui." Park Min Ho looked at Cheng Xuehui and said, "I have to admit that you really It's naive. "

"What's wrong with me?" Cheng Xuehui glared at a pair of incomparable big eyes to park minhao and said, "where am I naive?"

"Cheng Xuehui, you forget that there are cameras everywhere in Jiangchuan apartment." Park Min Ho reminds Cheng Xuehui.

"Camera?" Cheng Xuehui was surprised. Then, she patted her head and said, "yes, there are cameras outside! But Park Zhihao will not be so boring, will he really go to investigate and monitor? Is that too much trouble? "

"His house has somehow changed from a mess to a state of order. Won't he think of anything?" Park Min Ho said, "won't he try to figure out what's going on?"

"Well That's it Cheng Xuehui advised, "when we leave, I'll call him and tell him that I've been here and I helped him clean up the room. Isn't that good?"

"It's OK." Park Min Ho said, "however, Zhihao is off."

"I'll send him a text message. Whether it's SMS, wechat or MSN, I'll send him a message to make sure that he can see it when his mobile phone is turned on."

"That's the only way." However, there are still bugs

"What? Park Min Ho, can you stop speaking Japanese? Speak Mandarin Cheng Xuehui road.

"This is English, not Japanese." Park minhao feels extremely helpless. Cheng Xuehui can't understand such a simple English word as "bug". I'm afraid Park Zhihao can't really like her. Because he remembers that park Zhihao once said that he would not really like a girl with big chest and no brain. He did not require his future partner to be excellent or help him in his career. He only hoped that his future partner would always understand what he was saying. Now, can park Zhihao, who can speak fluent English, easily accept Cheng Xuehui, who has no culture? Park Min Ho could not help feeling worried.

"Why not Japanese?" Cheng Xuehui was even more aggressive, "didn't you just swear? fuck? When we shoot Anti Japanese films, we often hear the word "baga", which is a curse

"I said 'bug', b-u-g, bug! It's not baga. " Park minhao spelled word by word.

"Well, tell me what baga means." Cheng Xuehui looks very studious.

"It's a bug, not a baga." Seeing that Cheng Xuehui couldn't change the pronunciation of the word, he kept shouting "baga". Park minhao had to emphasize it again, "OK, let's not say what the word means, let's get back to the point quickly."

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