Park Min Ho looks at the whole room, it seems that Cheng Xuehui is really a good hand at cleaning up the internal affairs. In a few minutes, she had put park's house in order. Whether on the sofa, tea table, or the wardrobe, let Cheng Xuehui clean up. Park minhao had to look at Cheng Xuehui with a new look. It seems that women are women. No matter how dusty and unruly they look, they are always good masters in the main body. Cheng Xuehui folded all of Park Zhihao's pairs so neatly that even park minhao, a small household expert, could not help admiring Cheng Xuehui!

At the moment, except for the crawling lobsters, park Min Ho could not find any place in the house that could make him picky.

"Cheng Xuehui, I don't know if you have found out that the room where the pickaxe is treated looks very simple. It seems that there are no precious items. "Park Min Ho said very sharply.

"There is no precious thing in the first place." Cheng Xuehui said, "in fact, I'm not afraid to tell you that I once attacked here when Zhihao was not at home. Of course, I didn't come to steal. I came to see if he had other women's things here. But it turned out that he didn't have anything for women. Besides, I was very surprised to find that he didn't even have some of the things before. "

"No, no, No Park Min Ho said, "it's not like treating pickaxes. I know he loves collecting jewelry. "

"Jewelry?" Cheng Xuehui was surprised to grow up his mouth, "he never told me! Besides, he didn't give me any valuable jewelry

"His jewels are not for his girlfriend, of course." Park Min Ho said, "that's just his hobby. And if you give them away, you can buy them again. "

"Well Minho, what do you want to say Cheng Xuehui feels more puzzled.

"I see a lot of safes in park's house." Park Min Ho said, "for a normal person, it's enough to have a safe at home. At most, there are two. Here, I count the pickaxes. There are about eighteen

"Why does Zhihao collect so much jewelry?" Cheng Xuehui asked in a puzzled way.

"Not so much jewelry." He also collects jewelry from less than 18 safes. I'm sure there are at most two of the eighteen safes that contain jewelry. "

"Why does he buy so many safes?" Cheng Xuehui is more puzzled.

"East and West." Park Min Ho said, "if there is only one safe, then when someone comes to steal, they will run to that safe. If he has 18, it will greatly increase the difficulty of stealing, thus ensuring that the thief is not successful. "

"Well, if the thieves were lucky, they would have stolen all of them?" Cheng Xuehui didn't understand, "it's better to average, put some in each safe. Don't put all your eggs in one basket

"No Park Min Ho said, "Zhi Hao is not that kind of person. It was because he didn't want to be stolen at all that he had to put everything in a safe. It's a very good chance to keep all the jewelry. And if they spread out, they'll be stolen in any case. According to the character of Pu Zhihao, he couldn't bear to lose a little bit. His plan, in fact, is very thorough. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!