"President Park, I don't know if I understand it correctly. You mean that you are not serious at all, are you?" A female reporter boldly asked, her face looking angry.

"Of course not!" "I mean, she has no chance to have another boyfriend at all. I'm the only man in her life! As for the exposure of this incident, I was afraid that it would hurt the people I love. But when I think about it, it's a good thing. In this way, I can be with the people I love forever. Isn't it a romantic thing that we announce to the world that we will always be together? What's more, in this way, there will be a lot of boys who like my girlfriend to retreat. On the one hand, let them know that she already has a girlfriend and should not continue to pursue her. On the other hand, let them know that if they have such a strong opponent, they will also retreat. Therefore, exposure of our relationship is not necessarily a bad thing. After all, I want to say to my girlfriend that I will be responsible for her all my life! Moreover, I have decided that she is my last woman in my life, and I will marry her! What's more, as soon as I see her, my heart will beat up inexplicably. As long as I see her, I will have a beautiful feeling like first love. More importantly, she is the first woman in my true sense! In my heart, she is so pure and beautiful, she is my beautiful first love! I believe that I will create our love together with her! I am confident that our love will become a good story in the entertainment industry

Park Zhihao's confession moved all the female reporters on the scene, and even more moved the young male reporters on the scene. It turns out that park Zhihao, the president of yanmiao group and the son of chairman of yanmiao group, can believe in love like this!

"President Park, it turns out that you are such a man with heavy feelings!" A handsome male reporter in his early 30s said to park Zhihao, "so I would like to ask, is the relationship between you and Cheng Xuehui really broken, or do you say it unilaterally and the other party doesn't agree?"

Park Zhihao suddenly felt an inexplicable hostility. Why does this man, who looks extremely mature and handsome, speak in a tone like setting up a teacher and asking a crime, which makes Park Zhihao feel uncomfortable all over? He had to look at the man in silence and reply, "it was decided by me unilaterally. But isn't love always like this? As long as one party announces a break-up, the other has no right to disagree at all. Are you in love? If your girlfriend doesn't agree to break up, do you still have to be pestered all the time? "

The male reporter was speechless when asked. However, he did not give up. He still looked at Park Zhihao without hesitation. His tone of voice became stronger than before: "well, President Park, I also heard that Cheng Xuehui is pregnant with your child. How are you going to deal with this matter? As far as I know, you are the illegitimate son of your father and your mother. You have always hated your father, who made your childhood full of darkness. Do you want to be like your father at that time, can not give your children a complete home? Will you be an irresponsible father like your father? Do you hate your father's abandonment of you so much that you hate yourself? " This male reporter's question is absolutely bold! Moreover, he seems to have revealed a lot of information!

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