Park Zhihao shivered at the man who looked very kind, but was full of thorns when he asked questions. What kind of man is it that needs to face him with such an attitude of hatred? And how much of his background does he know to be able to talk about these unpublished things in front of everyone? Is he really not afraid that all the news he has heard is false and cause embarrassment? Unless he can guarantee that these things are true. As for the fact that Cheng Xuehui was pregnant, even Pu Zhihao himself had just learned about it. How did this person know about it? Is Cheng Xuehui confided to him, or did Cheng Xuehui tell who was pregnant, and she was betrayed by that person? Park Zhihao can't guess.

However, in the face of a series of so many problems, park Zhihao felt a little trance. He really didn't know where to start and how to answer the reporter's questions. He looked at the reporter and asked, "pregnant? What is pregnancy

"Cheng Xuehui is pregnant. Didn't she tell you?" The male reporter asked calmly and calmly.

"Cheng Xuehui is not pregnant. Please have a little bit of professional ethics and don't make wild guesses, will you? " Said Park Chi ho.

"It seems that she didn't tell you." The male reporter said confidently to park Zhihao.

The reporters were shocked. There were flashing lights all over the scene, and park Zhihao was photographed dizzy by the reporters.

"Why do you say Cheng Xuehui is pregnant? Besides, I have broken up with her. If she is pregnant now, you can't just judge who the baby is Park Zhihao's words are quite rational.

"Park Chi Ho, you may not know it yet? This thing I know, I personally saw Cheng Xuehui into the hospital obstetrics and Gynecology, with the inspection list out. When she came out of the obstetrics department, I accidentally bumped into Cheng Xuehui. When I apologized to her and helped her pick up the list, I unconsciously noticed the results of the birth examination. As a result, I was two months pregnant. Therefore, I am quite sure of Cheng Xuehui's pregnancy. " The male reporter said confidently.

"Then you can't say, Cheng Xuehui is pregnant, that child is mine!" Said Park Chi ho.

"President Park, then I don't know how long have you and Cheng Xuehui separated? As far as I know, Cheng Xuehui was still your girlfriend when you invested in the movie "mistaking a man". And that time, less than a month from now? So, if I'm not wrong, even if you break up, it's not as long as two months. The result of Cheng Xuehui's birth examination is that she has been pregnant for two months The male reporter said, "President Park, the seeds left two months ago are certainly yours?"

"Not necessarily." Park Zhihao said, "this, I'm afraid, really can't be verified."

"President Park, what do you mean by that? You mean I'm talking nonsense? Or is it Cheng Xuehui's fickle and has more than one boyfriend at the same time? " Male reporter some indignant ground says.

"I didn't say that." Park Zhihao spread out his hands and made a helpless gesture, "these are all your own words. As a reporter, you must not be someone who occasionally bumps into Cheng Xuehui, but is Cheng Xuehui's helper? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!