"Thanks to President Park, I dare to ask so many questions." The reporter said, "I think President Park has so many questions that he won't mind my daring to ask so many questions? Moreover, I believe that President Park's measurement will certainly answer my questions. "

Journalists have a deep repertoire. His words made Park Zhihao feel embarrassed not to answer so many questions he asked!

Park Zhihao had no choice but to smile. He knew that he had been driven to the shelf this time and had to answer his questions. He shrugged and said helplessly, "OK! In this case, then I will It seems that I can only recruit them truthfully. " Park Chih ho coughed and continued, "I'll answer the reporter's questions one by one! First of all, my first kiss, like some people, I don't pretend to say vaguely that my first kiss was given to my mother, or that when I was a child, I liked to play with pigs or dogs, so I gave my first kiss to pigs or dogs. I just want to tell you sincerely that my first kiss was for my current girlfriend, the oxygen beauty you just saw. "

Just when all the reporters were surprised at this, park Zhihao immediately stopped everyone: "don't worry about this matter. I just want to solemnly tell you that this is true, and it is not that I deliberately hide anything or deliberately make up something. In my opinion, the definition of "girlfriend" is different from what you think. Some people may think that if two people have the most intimate relationship, then the relationship between two people is a relationship between a man and a woman. But in my opinion, a girlfriend and a girlfriend must love each other as much as I do with my current girlfriend. When they meet, they can keep that kind of blush and heartbeat, and they can understand and think for each other. On this basis, the most intimate relationship has taken place, which can be regarded as a real girlfriend. And my present girlfriend and I are like this, so, she is my first girlfriend, and my former so-called girlfriends, I don't know whether their motivation to me is pure, but I know that my motivation to them is impure, so, it is my fault, I don't take them as my real girlfriend. Of course, it's not my girlfriend. And I only kiss my girlfriend when I really love someone. Therefore, my first kiss naturally gave me my first love, which is the girl just now, the girl named jinyinyu Park Zhihao wanted to push gold, silver and jade into the public's view. On the one hand, people envied him for having such a girlfriend. On the other hand, he increased the exposure rate of gold, silver and jade to make full preparation for the future performing arts career. However, he wants to protect his girlfriend. He has to protect her before increasing her exposure. If the effect is negative, park would rather hide her behind him.

Looking back on all the good things that gold, silver and jade brought to him, park Zhihao felt that what he had done for her was worth it. He could pay everything for her without asking for return! As long as she can get a better future, get better development, then, this is the biggest reward for him.

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