"It turns out that President Park's definition of first love is so different." A reporter exclaimed, "well, about your First... " When the little reporter said this, I'm sorry to go on.

"That one." Park Zhihao thought for a moment and said, "I'm so ashamed that I gave it to a strange woman. I didn't sleep with that woman all night. Now, even if this woman is standing in front of me, I don't think I can recognize her. When I was young, I could not help being frivolous when I was young. I think all of you here can understand. "

Reporters nodded. For men like Pu Zhihao, who have both talent and wealth, it is common for women to look down on things between men and women.

A reporter suddenly remembered something, and suddenly raised his hand and asked, "President Park, then, on the third question, when was your real first love..."

"Right now." Park Zhihao said, "I am serious. Jinyinyu is my first love. She will be my last woman. I will marry her if she wants to."

There was a burst of thunderous applause at the scene. The reporters nodded in succession. Some of them wished for park Zhihao's final acceptance, some were happy that he finally found his final feelings, and some recorded this paragraph, which was ready for people to dig graves for his face in the future

"President Park, can I be the third person to ask questions?" A young male reporter couldn't help himself any more. Seeing that all the people were quiet for a while, he couldn't wait to ask Park Zhihao to be the third questioner. He hoped that he could seize this opportunity. He believed that all opportunities should be won by himself! That is why he has so boldly chosen to destroy the rule that Park Ji ho has just put forward, that is, to appoint these three people. His cleverness lies in that he did not recommend himself when Park Zhihao named the first person, which made him in a dilemma and lost his principle in the following two times. He chose the last time very wisely!

Therefore, park Zhihao also felt fresh. Since some people wanted to express their wishes so strongly, park could not bear to refuse. He nodded to the reporter: "you ask!"

"Thank you for leaving this last opportunity to me." "President Park, I think about a problem from a rational point of view, rather than trying to say something on purpose to make you feel unhappy. I'll make a hypothesis. It's an assumption! What I want to ask is, are you sure you want to marry your girlfriend so early? She looks very young now, maybe 20 years old. To her, marriage seems far away. Moreover, she looks as if she doesn't know the world. It may take at least a few years for her to get married. So, President Park, do you think your love for your girlfriend can last so long? And can your girlfriend's love for you last that long? What's more, I'd like to gossip about how long each of your previous relationships can last, and how long is the longest? Sorry, I may have asked as much as the reporter in front of me. However, I know that since President Park does not mind the three questions raised by the previous reporter, he will certainly not refuse these questions raised by me, right? "

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