Luo Xiwei is very serious in park minhao said her room in a circle, unexpectedly did not find anything she is familiar with. But, I can't say, all the things in this room are the things she likes, and the way all the objects are placed are the ideal appearance in her mind. She likes everything in this room very much.

However, luoxiwei really did not understand how this became her room. Although she loves this room very much, it must not be her room!

Luo Xiwei shook her head, looked at Park Min Ho and said to him, "Park Min Ho, you must be lying to me. How can this be my room? This is not my room. I had nothing to do with you before

"No. This is your room. " Park Min Ho said, pointing to the photo on the table and saying to Luo Xiwei, "look, is this your picture?"

Luo Xiwei approached the table, looked at the photos on the table very seriously, and said to park minhao, "this..."

That's exactly her picture! However, she really didn't know why her own photo was here with Park Minho, and there were many photos in it. It seemed that she had taken them by herself instead of others. In this case, where did Park Min Ho get so many pictures of her? This is just incredible! Luo Xiwei sighed and looked at Park Min Ho suspiciously. After careful consideration, he suddenly thought of the answer.

Since Park Min Ho has always liked her, what's so difficult about getting a few photos of himself in his own bedroom? Luo Xiwei seems to have figured it out at once.

However, park Min Ho approached Luo Xiwei and said to Luo Xiwei triumphantly and unhurriedly, "so, these are all your own photos?"

"So what?" Luo Xiwei looked unconvinced and said to park minhao, "my sister said that you have been pursuing me. So, since you like me, how about getting some pictures of me? Take a few photos of me secretly, print them out and put them in the picture frame. Can you say that this room is where I used to live? I don't believe it Luo Xiwei some wayward ground toot small mouth to say.

"Wei Wei, you are hopeless "Who's your sister's words? I say it again. For the last time, Cheng Xuehui is not your sister. She has always been your enemy! "

"Park Min Ho, don't cheat people. I'm such a kind person. When did I have an enemy? That's too false of you Luo Xiwei said to park minhao with her head held high.

"Wei Wei, you are kind, you never fight against people, but you can't control others, can't prevent others from taking you as the enemy!" Park Min Ho could not help feeling. This Luo Xiwei is sure to have always been that nature, unexpectedly has always believed in Cheng Xuehui. In her opinion, it is a shame to be against people, so she still can't believe that someone in the world can really make enemies with her. Park Min Ho is very worried about Luo Xiwei's kindness. He is really afraid. If one day luoxiwei gets away from his protection, what should she do. He could not help but look at Luo Xiwei and murmured, "what a fool!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!