"You are stupid Luo Xiwei quickly snatched the stubble and said in defiance. Her eyes were very bright and powerful. She looked at Park Min Ho intensely and said to him, "Park Min Ho, this is not my room. This is definitely not my room!"

"Vivie." Park Min Ho went further to Luo Xiwei. His face went directly to Luo Xiwei and said to her, "do you look at your photos? Do you think I took your photos secretly? So many photos, there are more than ten in total, right? You see, you see Most of the photos here are taken by yourself, which is what you took yourself. I park Min Ho, no matter how clever I am, I will not be able to get the self photos in your mobile phone, right

Park Min Ho is right, but Luo Xiwei can't find any reason to refute it.

"You..." Luo Xiwei is a little messy, she falters and haws, "that Park Min Ho, I I have lost my memory. How can I know what the truth is like? "

"The truth of the matter?" Park Min Ho grinned, "of course, the truth is what I told you. Weiwei, for your good, I will never let you see Cheng Xuehui again before you recover your memory! "

"Park Min Ho, are you going to imprison me?" Asked rowdy aloud.

"Not imprisonment." Park Min Ho said, "Wei Wei, this is your home. I want to stay with you in our home. I want to protect you."

"The name of protection is to imprison and monitor me in essence." Luo Xiwei said angrily to park minhao.

"If you must think so, I can't help it." Park Min Ho said, "I'm your boyfriend. We've lived together for a long time. It's normal. We're just putting our life back on track. There's nothing wrong with it."

"You Park Min Ho, I want to call the police! " Luo Xiwei finished, snatching Park Min Ho's mobile phone, he will call the police.

"You fight! You fight There was no sign of tension or fear on Park Min Ho's face. He looked at Luo Xiwei very calmly, without any fear in his heart. He said to Luo Xiwei with a smile, "Weiwei, I'm familiar with the people in the police station. They all buy my account. Moreover, the head of the police station will give me three points when he sees me. And, vivie, I've been in the police station with you twice. The people in the police station already know us. They all know you are my woman. And what's more, you know what? When we entered the police station for the first time, it was the staff of the police station who thought that we were not boyfriend and girlfriend, and thought I would be rude to you. But later, they found out that we were male and female friends, and you also admitted our relationship, so they released us later. So, Weiwei, just think about it. A couple who were once misunderstood by the police as not lovers once entered the police station because they were misunderstood. And if this happens again, with all due respect, they will think that we are having fun again. Besides, they know that I'm not afraid of them, so, they must know that we are both fooling around and have nothing to play with. Therefore, no matter how you report to the police, it will be in vain in the end. " Park Min Ho's face became more and more proud.

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