Park Min Ho gasped and threw Luo Xiwei on the sofa in the bedroom.

Before Luo Xiwei had time to see Park Min Ho's face clearly, he had already begun to grope in the dark again and asked Luo Xiwei for everything he wanted. In front of Luo Xiwei, park Min Ho became more and more difficult to control himself. It's like tasting a food. If you haven't tasted it, you won't think too much about it. However, once you have tasted some delicious food, when you see it in front of you again, it is a cruel temptation. As a result, he became difficult to control himself, and he would never give up until he got it.

Luo Xiwei is such a delicious food for park Min Ho. So, no matter how Luo Xiwei slapped and called, he couldn't help himself to enjoy it slowly until he was exhausted again.

Luo Xiwei felt a little lost in her heart. Although in this process, she felt the other party's incomparable love for her, but she did not feel that the other party was her beloved.

Park Min Ho turned on the light in the room. Sweating, he felt tired. He lay still, trying to give himself some time to rest.

Until this moment, Luo Xiwei can see clearly each other's face! As expected, she did not expect that the other party was no one else, but the one she thought was Park Min Ho! However, more terrible than being possessed by park Min Ho again, this time, she actually saw Park Min Ho lying in front of her like a peeled zongzi!

What others can see, as well as what others can't see, is displayed in front of Luo Xiwei.

"Ah Exclaimed Luo Xiwei, covering her face with her hands at once.

Park Min Ho was relieved and said to Luo Xiwei, "what's your name? I didn't see your voice so terrible just now He looked at Luo Xiwei and said to her, "besides, you haven't seen it before."

"I haven't seen it!" Luo Xiwei said boldly to park minhao. In her memory, she was violated three times, each time Park Min Ho. But these three times, the first two times are confused, basically do not remember the details, this time although remember, it is dark around, she still did not see anything!

So when Park Min Ho turned on the light, it was the first time that she opened her eyes. Her curiosity seemed to be answered at once. She finally learned something she didn't understand.

"You've seen it!" Park Min Ho seemed to be a little provocative to Luo Xiwei and said, "in fact, just half a year ago, when we first met, we had seen each other all over."

"Park Min Ho, you're talking nonsense!" Luo Xiwei didn't believe that she would be like this when she met people for the first time! That's not her style at all! Park Min Ho is just talking nonsense! What a load of nonsense! Luo Xiwei was so angry that she couldn't speak. Let alone the first time we met, even if we had known each other for many years and had a good feeling for each other, the conservative Luo Xiwei knew that she would never do such a thing. So, this time, Luo Xiwei is really very angry. Looking at PU minhao's frivolous appearance, she would like to beat him up or even break him up! , the fastest update of the webnovel!