Song Zhiheng settled the account and gave his master another hundred yuan. He said to him, "I'll give you one hundred more. You can take a taxi to go back by yourself."

"OK!" The master was so happy that he left here.

Song Zhiheng takes Luo Xiwei into the room. They are full of joy, and suddenly become astonished.

Song Zhiheng stopped in the living room: "did we find the wrong house? It's not like Cheng Xuehui's house! Although the home appliances and decoration here look similar to those of Xuehui, they are completely different! Besides, the furniture here is new. We haven't seen it before! Luo Xiwei, we are dead now. We have found the wrong house. This is not Xuehui's house. We have prized the lock of others' house, and we have become thieves! "

"It's like It seems to be wrong. " Luo Xiwei felt a little wilted. When song Zhiheng said that they had become thieves, Luo Xiwei was scared and quickly withdrew from the house.

Song Zhiheng also retreated. However, when they were about to escape, Luo Xiwei looked out and felt that she had not found the wrong house. The view from the main stage is clearly the view from Cheng Xuehui's home! The white car as like as two peas on the balcony still stood there, and even she remembered the license plate number "1234" of the car, and the gap on the balcony of the cactus porcelain basin, even the shape of it was exactly the same as that she saw yesterday, and it was a heart shape similar to the inverted one. And There is a letter of guarantee on the door of the next door neighbor. The content is that the man promises to the woman that he will never make his wife angry again. Otherwise, he will take the initiative to fine his wife 10000 yuan once he is angry, and he has to go shopping with his wife to buy bags. All of these are paid by him. It says that he hopes the neighbors can supervise them well. Moreover, his signature is the same as the name she saw yesterday It's the same!

What the hell is going on here! Luo Xiwei also felt confused! This is really Cheng Xuehui's house. They didn't find the wrong place or open the wrong lock! Just, why did the furnishings at home become different from before, and some new furniture was added? All this made Luo Xiwei feel puzzled! She stopped and said to song Zhiheng, "we didn't find the wrong place. What we went in was my sister's house."

"Are you sure?" Song Zhiheng said, "the furniture inside is not the same as what we saw before."

"But you see." Luo Xiwei pointed to the guarantee on the door next door and said to song Zhiheng, "this is the guarantee written by my sister's neighbor. I saw it last night. Just as like as two peas I saw yesterday, the contents, the handwriting, and the names of the guarantors are all alike. There is also a basin of cactus on the balcony in front of my sister's house. There is a gap similar to an inverted heart on the porcelain basin. I also remember clearly. There is also the convertible with license plate number "1234" downstairs, which has been parked downstairs for a day. If it's not my sister's house, tell me, where is her house? Where shall we go next? "

Song Huizhi stopped at the downstairs, and he thought about it. He still remembered that when he looked down on the balcony and spoke to the staff in the ambulance, the car stopped right under Cheng Xuehui's house.

Yes, that's it! Song Zhiheng finally dare to be sure that this is Cheng Xuehui's house! , the fastest update of the webnovel!