Just, why does everything look so weird? Song Zhiheng was confused. However, he still does not care about these, or Cheng Xuehui's body matters! What they have to do now is to go back to Cheng Xuehui's house and look for suspicious places. If not, he will go to Kaicheng Xuehui's refrigerator to see what has been prepared and what needs to be bought.

Song Zhiheng gently stood on tiptoe and walked with Luo Xiwei to Cheng Xuehui's house. They crossed the living room and came to the kitchen. Although everything looked normal, there seemed to be no one at home, but why did the living room have so much furniture and the original sofa disappeared? Song Zhiheng was very puzzled.

At this moment, however, she felt as if she had heard the sound of a mouse, rustling in her ears. The sound seemed to come from the bedroom. So, Luo Xiwei walked to the direction of the bedroom lightly. She didn't want to scare the snake and scare the mouse away.

However, just as she reached the door of her bedroom and was about to open the door, she heard a woman's panting voice. There seemed to be movement and stillness in the bedroom. Luo Xiwei could feel the rhythmic movement of the floor. The sound in the bedroom is very complicated, including the sound of the floor, the voice of a man panting, and a woman's very strange voice.

Luo Xiwei listened and listened, then suddenly blushed. She could already imagine what was going on inside. She was a little shy, which made her think of what happened to her and park Min Ho yesterday. When Park Min Ho was forced to have intimate contact with her, although her consciousness was a little hazy, she remembered that the same sound came from her mouth.

Oh, my God! Luo Xiwei was very shy. She seemed to feel that she was very immoral at the moment and was prying into other people's privacy. At this time, she was trying to get out of here. However, song Zhiheng has appeared behind her.

"There seems to be a sound in it?" Song Zhiheng whispered to Luo Xiwei.

"Ah?" Luo Xiwei some do not know how to answer, "Oh, yes." She said in a low voice, her face red beyond words.

"What's the matter with you?" Song Zhiheng sneered. At the moment, there was no sound inside. Song Zhiheng seemed not to notice anything, so he opened the door.

However, at this moment, Luo Xiwei's ears at the same time came song Zhiheng's scream and a woman's scream inside.

"You Who are you? " Song Zhiheng jumped up in a hurry, "what are you doing?" He said, covering his eyes. However, no matter how to cover his eyes, he has already seen all the things that should and should not be seen.

"Who are we?" A man's magnetic voice came from the room, "I haven't asked who you are! Don't you see we're busy? Why did you break in all of a sudden? And how did you get in? " Asked the man.

Luo Xiwei didn't know what happened inside. She was worried about song Zhiheng, so she wanted to go in and have a look. However, although Luo Xiwei felt that she had given each other for a long time, she could still see the two heads in it very messy.

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