"Is it you?" Luo Xiwei looks at the man in front of her. This man is no other than Park Zhihao. If you look at the woman with messy hair sitting on the edge of the bed, she is no one else, but Pu Zhihao's little girlfriend, jinyinyu. Therefore, Luo Xiwei was very surprised and said to park Zhihao, "how are you? Why are you here? And, you are... " Luo Xiwei seemed to be unable to speak.

"This is my home. Of course I am here." Said Park Chi ho.

"Your home?" What are you talking about? You must be in the wrong place. This is my sister's home, not yours. By the way, didn't you come here? "

"I've been here." Park Zhihao said, "but you also forget that I told you that this house is mine and I gave it to Cheng Xuehui. The house property certificate is still in my hand. This is not Cheng Xuehui's house. So, of course, I can come in. I have the right to come in. I can come in anytime and anywhere. And I have the right to transform the house and give it to someone else. "

"What do you say?" Luo Xiwei looked around, "it turns out that you changed the things here."

"Yes, it's me." Park Zhihao said to Luo Xiwei, "not only that, I have to take my house back and give it to my girlfriend now."

"Why do you do that?" Asked Luo Xiwei.

"Because I have asked the doctor, Cheng Xuehui's stomach is not my child. She's blackmailing me Park Zhihao said, "the more she tries to blackmail me, the more I don't want her to get anything!"

"Nonsense! That's your baby in my sister's stomach Said Luo Xiwei.

"I asked the doctor. She's more than three months pregnant." Park Chi Ho said, "I counted the time. The child in her stomach can't be mine. I'm not so confused that I can't even calculate the basic arithmetic clearly. What's more, when I was with Cheng Xuehui, I knew when there were protective measures and when they didn't! So this kid can't be mine

"You Luo Xiwei felt speechless to the park Zhihao in front of her, "Park Zhihao, you Even if you don't want to marry my sister, you can find such a ridiculous reason to say that the child in my sister's belly is not yours! Park Zhihao, if you have any conscience, you should be responsible to my sister! Even if you don't want to be responsible, you shouldn't slander my sister's reputation like this! Do you know how much humiliation my sister suffered for you and for the baby in her stomach? Do you know how hard she is? She's in the hospital now, with uterine bleeding. If she hadn't had your baby, she wouldn't be lying in the hospital now! You are not only irresponsible, but also slander my sister's reputation. You also want to occupy her house Park Zhihao, are you still a human being? " Luo Xiwei was so excited that she really wanted to go up and beat Pu Zhihao. If she didn't know she couldn't fight, she would have chased him.

"Wei Wei, you are so naive. You are too childish Park Zhihao looked at Luo Xiwei and said to her, "don't say I was cheated by Cheng Xuehui. She lied to me that the baby in my stomach is mine, but it's not. Even you were cheated by her. I told you that Cheng Xuehui is not your sister... "

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