"President Park, why do you need it?" Lino looked at Park Min Ho's foot, which had always been against the door, and said with a smile, "you see that your foot is so good that you want to damage it, don't you?"

"Don't threaten me." Park Min Ho said, "if you have the courage, just clip my leg with the door. By the way, how do you know I'm President Park? It seems that it's a fake not to know me. Since you are so deliberately hiding, do not want me to know that you know me, I am afraid you have a lot of small abacus in your mind

"Park Min Ho, you What are you talking about? " Leno suddenly became incoherent. "Don't talk nonsense here! What abacus can I have? Park Min Ho, you I advise you to get out of here! This big night, do you really want to break into private houses? I'll call the police! What's more, the two of us have been chatting at the door for a long time, which is not good for everyone. It has been rumored that President Park Min Ho likes men rather than women. If you stand at the door all the time, if you are photographed by reporters, it will be bad for your reputation. " Lino suddenly thought of a variety of languages, want to make park Min Ho fear and fear.

"Will you invite me in?" Park Min Ho said to lino.

"This I'm afraid it's not appropriate? " Said lino.

"What's wrong?" Park Min Ho asked.

"This..." There were thousands of reasons in lino's mind. Then, he said to park Min Ho, "my room is too messy..."

"Is that why you drove the guests away?" Asked Park Min Ho.

"It's not." "The key is There is no intersection between me and you! We don't know each other at all! "

"Not now?" Park Min Ho said, "by the way, I don't know your name yet."

"My name is lino." 'said lino very readily.

"Hello, Mr. Li!" Park Min Ho solemnly extended his right hand, ready to shake hands with lino.

Lino stretched out his right hand unhappily and clasped Park Minho's hand tightly. However, he kept a close watch on the door and did not give Park Minho any chance to get in.

Just when Park Min Ho was too anxious to think of a way out and felt that it was too long and had to retreat, a middle-aged man's thick voice came from behind him: "please let me..."

Park Min Ho looked back and saw a face older than it sounded. Although this man's voice sounds only 40 years old, but the man's appearance, looks like 60 years old! The man was wearing the work clothes of pure water company and carrying a large bucket of pure water on his shoulder. It seemed that he was obviously a water delivery man.

Park Min Ho suddenly felt that his spring was coming like this! Isn't this water delivery worker who comes so skillfully is his Savior! He quickly made way for the middle-aged man to stand in front of him.

Lino's face immediately appeared a capital word "Meng". He looked at the plumber in front of him, gnashing his teeth with hatred. It's a good time for him to come!

"Mr. Li, here is your water." The man saw that lino did not open the door all the time, he said weakly to lino. He looked at lino and park Min Ho, who was standing beside him. He was very puzzled. From his appearance in the corridor to now, for almost a minute, this young man has always been standing at the gate of President Li, which makes him feel strange!

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