"Why are you so late today? Do you work overtime? " "Don't you usually come by day?" asked lino

"Mr. Li, this is the case. Our family has encountered some difficulties recently, so I have to work overtime and send more cars of water. In this way, my salary will be higher, so that I can subsidize my family. So my wife can be more relaxed The man said with great sincerity. He was so sincere and diligent that he was as old as sixty at fifty. His temples were white and his head was full of silver. He looked like a poor old man.

"That's it Originally also very angry and angry with the water delivery man, lino suddenly had some sympathy for him. He looked so simple and honest that lino couldn't bear to refuse, although most of his pure water was not used up. He looked at the water delivery man, then looked at Park Min Ho, and said to the water delivery man, "well, put the water at the door. I'll change it later, OK? "

"This..." The water delivery man looked at lino awkwardly, "haven't you finished drinking yet? So Then what shall I do? Our company has a regulation that the person who changes the water must go to the customer's home to help them change the water. This is the completion of the order. Mr. Li, otherwise, please let me in! I have changed the water for you so many times. Are you still worried about me? "

"That's not true." Li Nuo looked at the water delivery man with some embarrassment. He was thinking about whether he and park Min Ho were together! He looked at the delivery man and said, "do you have to come in? In fact, it doesn't matter. Just put it at the door. Look at me, I'm also strong. I can change my water. There's absolutely no problem. And, you can rest assured, I won't complain to your company just because you didn't change the water for me. I've always been a reasonable and considerate person for the working people. Just take a hundred heart

"No..." The water delivery man looked at Li Nuo in embarrassment and said, "Mr. Li, it's not that I have to enter your room. It's just that it's stipulated by our company. Because our company's water dispenser is more special, unprofessional people easily hurt themselves when changing water. Our company has also encountered accidents in which customers change their own water and get injured. Therefore, our company's regulation is that no matter whether the customer agrees to let us change the water or not, we can't let the customer do it himself, so as to avoid causing physical injury to the customer Mr. Li, please let me in. In case you change the water... "

"What's so much in case?" Lino was a little upset. He looked at the man and said, "are you cursing me?"

"Of course not, Mr. Li!" The water delivery man immediately stepped back two steps, "Mr. Li, how dare I curse you? I'm just following the company rules. If something happens, I'll be fired from the company. Mr. Li, please let me go in and change the water for you! Otherwise, if I leave now, I will be worried about whether you have changed the water safely. Even if you change the water yourself, if the company knows that I didn't change the water for you, I may be punished by the company In this way, I will always be worried because I didn't change the water for you... "

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