"All right, all right!" Finally, lino couldn't stand the complaint of the water delivery man, so he promised to let the water delivery man come into the house to change the water. He looked at the delivery man and said, "quick action, quick decision!"

"Good!" When the water delivery man finished speaking, he went in very quickly at the moment when lino opened the door.

Even though lino was ready to press against the door to keep Park Min Ho out of the house, he failed. He watched Park Min Ho take advantage of the situation and sneak in with the water delivery man. Everything was so unexpected that he was unprepared.

"Park Min Ho! You Li Nuo cried out in his mouth. Obviously, he didn't welcome Park Min Ho in.

"Sorry." Park Min Ho a face of indifference, between the eyebrows revealed an incomparable domineering. He said to lino, "since you open the door voluntarily and are so enthusiastic, of course I have to come in. Otherwise, how can I be worthy of your enthusiasm?"

When the water delivery man heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and then he continued to change the water for lino.

"Park Min Ho, what are you talking about?" Lino said, "you're a good talker, but I'm a man. Please respect my gender, OK?"

"Good." Park Min Ho laughed. His eyes strayed around lino's room, looking for suspicious traces. He didn't move. He could feel something wrong with his eyes. Seeing lino staring at him nervously, he asked, "what? There are people hiding in the room, so keep staring at me for fear that I will find out? "

At the moment, the water delivery man has completely suspected the relationship between Park Min Ho and lino. He thought for a moment. No wonder Park Min Ho was at the door just now, and lino didn't let him in. No wonder he always insisted on changing his own water and not letting him in. Is there any secret in this? And the secret is the relationship between them? The water delivery man thought for a while. Although he couldn't think clearly about the relationship between the two people, he changed the water for lino very consciously and quickly, and then said goodbye to lino in a hurry.

Park Min Ho Lino felt a headache for park Min Ho. Originally, he thought that park Min Ho would be taboo to the outside world that he liked men, but just now Park Min Ho showed that he didn't care about other people's misunderstanding that he liked men! Just now that words, how like a couple between suspicion of each other and said! Lino is going to be blown up by park Min Ho! Park Min Ho has a girlfriend. Even if there are rumors that he likes men, he doesn't need to be afraid at all. But he was such a straight man. He only loved beautiful women and didn't like men's straight men. Park Min Ho once came to him, he used those ambiguous language to chat with him! What's more, his ambiguous language was all spoken in the presence of another person!

It's OK for the water delivery workers not to say those words. What kind of news should be produced in case they are heard by the media? He is at least a small leader of the TV station. His image is very important to the TV station. How can he tolerate the destruction of his image by others? Li Nuo's head is getting big. He doesn't know how to face Park Min Ho. How to face Park Min Ho suddenly appears in his home.

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