So, Luo Xiwei quietly, taking advantage of all the people, especially the people at the front desk, did not pay attention, then left here at once. At this time, there are few taxis on the street. Luoxiwei can't get a taxi. Even the shadow of a bus can't be seen. As a result, Luo Xiwei had to give up any means of transportation and decided to trot all the way to the apartment.

Originally, Luo Xiwei thought that she had just been in Laowu's car for about two minutes, so the road should not be very long. But what she didn't expect was that the road was so long. She was jogging all the way. After taking a bath, she was panting and sweating. Looking at the seemingly endless road, she felt some panic in her heart. Twenty minutes have passed, but it still seems that you can't see the end at a glance.

Luo Xiwei can not help but speed up some speed, more efforts to step forward, heart pray to be able to get to the apartment earlier. Just when she was exhausted and wanted to stop for a rest, the apartment suddenly appeared in front of her. She's here at last! Luo Xiwei's face showed joy, she felt as if she saw the dawn of victory!

Luo Xiwei was suddenly full of fighting power, so she was very happy to continue to run forward. She felt as if she was suddenly full of strength. So she ran to the door of lino's house in one breath.

However, Luo Xiwei is still hesitant. The first time she knocked on the door of lino, she wanted to replace Cheng Xuehui to accompany her, and lino seemed to treat her At least it's interested, though it's kind of evil. However, because of that kind of evil interest, it made Luo Xiwei feel some panic. If this time knock on the door, lino still has a strong desire for her, then what should be done? Although she has broken up with Park Min Ho, she doesn't want to do something with others so soon. What's more, this man is still a person she just knew!

Luo Xiwei hesitated. She stood at the door for more than ten minutes. She hesitated, not knowing whether she should knock. However, just as she was determined to knock on the door, she heard a man's voice nearby: "do you want me?"

Luo Xiwei looked at the man in front of her in surprise. Isn't this what she is looking for? Was he not in his house at this late hour? Where did he come back from? Luo Xiwei thinks blindly. However, after a while, Luo Xiwei came back to her senses and told herself in her heart that she was looking for lino to do something instead of guessing where lino had gone. Besides, lino is neither a friend nor a girlfriend with her. She has no need to care where he has gone. Where leno loves to go, this is his personal freedom! Luo Xiwei decided not to be a naive girl from now on, but to be an atmosphere and calm woman, just like park Min Ho's new girlfriend. She seems so confident, so charming, and so sensible, as if all the external things will not affect her mood. That girl's heart, is too strong, and she is really too atmospheric! Luo Xiwei could not help feeling. , the fastest update of the webnovel!