"Ah?" Luo Xiwei felt a little caught off guard, "um..." She nodded in shame, and looked at lino with some distrust.

"Didn't you go to park Min Ho's house? Why do you come to me if you don't make love with your boyfriend at home

"Ah? I... " Luo Xiwei said nervously, "you I didn't go to park Min Ho's house. I just went to the hotel. "

"Hotel?" Li Nuo laughed worse. "It seems that park Min Ho, this guy also knows the sentiment."

"I was just homeless on my own, so I went to the hotel." Luo Xiwei explained, "Park Min Ho is upstairs now!"

"Are you sure you didn't make up? I saw Park Min Ho in front of the restaurant where we were eating when I was having dinner with you. Then, it seems that you went upstairs to find Park Min Ho? " Said lino.

"Since you see everything." What else do you ask? Of course, park Min Ho and I were not reconciled. He was so angry that he thought there was something between me and you. He was such a pure person who cared about his girlfriend. How could he possibly forgive me? If I can't produce any evidence to prove that I'm innocent, then there will be no possibility of making up with him again. "

"Proof?" Lino laughed. "How can we prove this? Since Park Min Ho doesn't trust you so much, with all due respect, you can forget him! I don't have a girlfriend right now. It's better to be with me I won't treat you badly. Besides, I am a small leader of TV station. I think I can also provide some help for your development in the entertainment industry. What do you think? "

"You Don't be kidding "We just got to know each other," said Luo Xiwei

"We've known each other for a day." Lino said, "I'm serious."

"Just one day." Said Luo Xiwei.

"Well, your implication is that if we've known each other long enough, I can be your boyfriend, right? Do you mean we should start with friends? " Rino asked, with a satisfied smile on his face.

"No, no, no!" Luo Xiwei quickly waved her hand, "I don't mean that. You misunderstood me."

"What do you mean Said lino.

"I just broke up with Park Minho, and I haven't completely recovered from my grief. I think if I'm going to accept a new relationship, I have to forget it first." Said Luo Xiwei earnestly.

"Haven't you heard that the best way to forget a relationship is to start a new one right away?" Said lino.

Luoxiwei was silent! The way lino talks is like park Min Ho! His good-looking and humor are just like park Min Ho! Although Luo Xiwei felt as if she had been touched in an instant, she quickly recovered to reality.

He's lino, not park Minho! Luo Xiwei told herself silently in her heart that a girl who had just been lovelorn could not be so frivolous. Even if the moment of interest in lino, it is only the appreciation of ordinary friends. Yes, it must be! This is absolutely not love, and there will be no love between her and lino. She came here to ask him to provide the video from the camera to help her explain to park Minho what happened this evening.

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